12 oktober 2007

Morje, morje

Spet je nek tak dan, da si želim, da bi me zbudili zvoki valov, da bi šla na jutranji sprehod ob obali, da bi se z mojega balkona videlo samo modre daljave... Pa galebi, školjke, čolnički, umirjeno življenje brez mnogih turistov. Ko bom velika, bom živela na morju. Do takrat pa bom tu in tam naredila voščilnico z morskim motivom :)

It's one of those days again that I wish I could be woken by the sounds of the sea, that I could go for a morning walk along the shore, that the only thign to see from my balcony would be the great blue... And the seagulls, the shells, little boats, peaceful life without many tourists. When I grow up, I'll live at the seaside. Until then, I'm going to make a card with sea motives from time to time :)
