04 oktober 2007

Taka najstniška...

Nekje sem videla štempiljko z napisom "Vse najboljše za rojstni dan" (v angleščini), pa sem rekla: saj to bi pa znala tudi jaz. In sem si naredila celo serijo takih prijaznih stavkov. Potem jih pa kombiniram še s slikicami - glede na idejo v besedilu. Jih je še kar nekaj na zalogi, pridite še kaj pogledat.

I saw a rubber stamp saying "Happy Birthday" and I said, I could do that. And I made a whole series of sweet and kind sayings (this one is saying something like "You give me butterflies"). Now I can combine them with the motives and colours - according to the text. There are quite a few more where this one came from - come and check it out.
