24 oktober 2007

Danes pa ni voščilnica

Saj je bil že skrajni čas, da objavim še kaj drugega! In glede na to, da mi gre zaloga "objavljivih" voščilnic proti koncu, za nove pa še zbiram ideje in materiale, so zvezda današnjega dne te majhne torbice - obeski za ključe. Spletene so iz pisanih ostankov volne, dodani so najrazličnejši gumbki, perlice in okraski, in seveda obroček za ključ. Preprosto, majhno in luškano, vem pa, da sem še zeloooo daleč od takihle "frajerjev".


It was about time to post something else apart from cards, wasn't it? And considering the fact that the pile of my "postable" cards is getting smaller, and I'm still gathering ideas and material for the new ones, the star of today's post are these small handbags aka key rings. I knit them using wool leftovers, then I added all kinds of buttons, beads and embellishments, and the key ring of course. Simple, small and cute, but I know I've got a loooong way to go to make such great little guys like these.
