20 februar 2008
Nekoliko srednjeveški
Vse na tem albumčku nekako doprinese k srednjeveškemu videzu - modri odtenki, pa postavitev, pa okraski Karen Marie. Tudi tukaj je bila osnova že voščilnica, pa sem izrezala osrednji motiv in kotne okraske, vse sem nalepila na temnejšo podlago in razporedila po naslovnici.
Everything about this album somehow contributes to a medieval look - blue tones, the layering and Karen Marie embellishments. I took a card as a basis again, I cut out the central motive and the corner elements, I glued them on a darker paper and arranged them on the front cover.
19 februar 2008
Spomin na jesen
Z mojima mravljičicama smo šle v gozd - z namenom. Nabrale smo praprot, doma sem jo stisnila in posušila, sama naredila papir, nato sem naredila voščilnico, ki je zdaj postala albumček.
Remembering autumn
I went to the forest with my two tiny ants - with a mission. We picked some fern, I pressed and dried it at home, I made some hand-made paper, then I made a card which is now an album.
18 februar 2008
Dva za romantične dušice
Čez vikend sem spet imela eno seanso za albumčke. Če se komu današnja dva zdita znana - čestitke za opažanje in dober spomin! Tokrat sem namreč malo "reciklirala" - med nečim, kar bi mogoče lahko imenovala poskus vnašanja reda v moje "ustvarjalno mravljišče", sem našla nekaj lanskih voščilnic, ki so mi sicer še vedno všeč, a že precej odstopajo od mojih trenutnih. In glej si ga no, malo večje so bile od platnic albumčkov... Rezalnik za papir, lepilo, trakci (joj, ti trakci - saj se vidi, da sem čisto obsedena z njimi)... voilá!
I had another album-making weekend. If anyone finds these two familiar - congratulations on __ and good memory! Namely, I did some "recycling" this time - when I was trying to bring some order to my "creative anthill", I found some cards I made last year. I still like them, but they are quite different from the cards I've been making lately. And, what do you know? They were a little bit larger that the albums' covers... The paper cutter, some glue, ribbons (oh, those ribbons - one can tell I'm obsessed with them)... voilá!
14 februar 2008
Malo odstopanja
Ni samo rdeča, bela in roza. Niso samo srčki. Ni samo "Ljubim te", "Bodi moja", "Bodi moj" ali "Veselo Valentinovo". So pa meni ljube barvne kombinacije. In so nežne besede. In so "šivi". Veliko "šivov". Tako dekliški se mi zdijo. Kakorkoli, naredite si lep dan! Pa veselo Valentinovo ;)
It's not just red, white and pink. It's not just hearts. And it's not just "I love you", "Be mine" or "Happy Valentine's Day". There are colour combinations I like. And there are tender words. And there are "stitches". Lots of "stitches". I find them so girlish. Anyway, make yourself a nice day. And happy Valentine's Day ;)
/What makes me happy? A rainbow, autumn leaves, a sunset, your "Hello"/
/Happiness lies in small things - a daisy, a ladybug, and your smile/
/You silently enter my thoughts/
/... and I'm saving the most secret corner of my heart for you/
/Don't be so shy/
/I love you - immensely, indescribably, endlessly/
It's not just red, white and pink. It's not just hearts. And it's not just "I love you", "Be mine" or "Happy Valentine's Day". There are colour combinations I like. And there are tender words. And there are "stitches". Lots of "stitches". I find them so girlish. Anyway, make yourself a nice day. And happy Valentine's Day ;)
/What makes me happy? A rainbow, autumn leaves, a sunset, your "Hello"/
/Happiness lies in small things - a daisy, a ladybug, and your smile/
/You silently enter my thoughts/
/... and I'm saving the most secret corner of my heart for you/
/Don't be so shy/
/I love you - immensely, indescribably, endlessly/
13 februar 2008
Medvedek za rojstni dan
Ne vem, kaj je bilo danes, ampak nisem mogla narediti dovolj dobre slike, da bi se videlo, kako luškana je ta voščilnica v resnici.
/saying: A bouquet for your birthday/
I don't know what was wrong today, but I just couldn't get an image good enough to show how sweet this card really is.
10 februar 2008
09 februar 2008
Na hitro
kot sem obljubila, še en albumček s srčki.
Jutri pa bo najverjetneje kaj drugega.
p.s. Danes se tisoči mojih "somišljenic" (in somišljenikov) pakirajo v Anaheim v Kaliforniji, ker se jutri tam začne največji sejem za ustvarjanje na svetu - reče se mu CHA Show (CHA = Craft & Hobby Association). Ko bom velika, bom šla tudi jaz :(
as promised, one more album with hearts.
Tomorrow I'm most likely posting something else.
p.s. Thousands of my "sisters in crafts" (and brothers) are packing for Anaheim, California today. The reason: the world's largest crafting show starts there tomorrow, it's called the CHA Show (CHA = Craft & Hobby Association). When I'm a big girl, I'll go too :(
08 februar 2008
Valentinovo se bliža
in čisto mimo njega ne morem. Ne v tem mojem hobiju. V preobilici vsega mogočega dela te dni na hitro objavljam tale enostaven srčkast albumček. Za jutri imam še enega.
and I cannot ignore it here. Not in my hobby. In the abundance of all the work these days, I'm posting a simple "hearty" album. I've got one more for tomorrow.
05 februar 2008
Modro moder
Metuljčki, ki sem jih pri prejšnjem albumčku uporabila na zadnji strani, so tukaj praktično edini motiv. Črke sem nalepila tako, da malo odstopajo od ozadja, vrvica pa se mi je zdela najbolj učinkovit element celotne podobe. Zadaj je nisem nalepila, ampak napeljala pod tablico in skozi dva trikotna obešalnička. Na tablico si lahko lastnik albuma napiše še kakšen uporaben podatek. Bistro, kajne?
The butterflies I used on the back side of the yesterday's album, represent practically the only motiv here. I glued the letters in such a manner that they stand out a little bit from the background. The cord seemed to me the most effective element of the whole design. I didn't want to glue it on the back, so I threaded it underneath the tag and through two triangular hangers. The owner of the album can write some useful data on the tag. Clever, right?
04 februar 2008
Se spomnite Sarah Kay?
Nekoč, ko sem bila majhna, sem se navduševala nad sličicami, ki jih je narisala ilustratorka Sarah Kay - luškane deklice v kavbojkah ali romantičnih oblekicah, s prijateljicami, prijateljčki, živalicami...
Ko sem bila potem malo starejša, so sličice ponovno bile v prodaji in takrat sem si jih nekaj shranila.
In pred kratkim sem jih našla v neki škatli.
Nekaj sem si jih pripravila za voščilnice, tale sličica pa se mi je zdela nekako logična za albumček, zraven pa sem napisala še "najljubši spomini". Ja, saj vem, malo je kičasto, ampak včasih pa tudi dobro dene..
When I was a little girl, I really liked pictures drawn by Sarah Kay - cute little girls in jeans or romantic dresses, with their girlfriends, boyfriends, pets...
Then I grew up a bit, and the pictures were in the shops again and I stashed some of them.
And recently, I found them in some old box.
I decided to use some of them on my cards, but this one seemed somehow logical for a photo album, and I added the words "favourite memories". Yes, a little kitchy, I know, but sometimes it just feels good.
02 februar 2008
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