Čez vikend sem spet imela eno seanso za albumčke. Če se komu današnja dva zdita znana - čestitke za opažanje in dober spomin! Tokrat sem namreč malo "reciklirala" - med nečim, kar bi mogoče lahko imenovala poskus vnašanja reda v moje "ustvarjalno mravljišče", sem našla nekaj lanskih voščilnic, ki so mi sicer še vedno všeč, a že precej odstopajo od mojih trenutnih. In glej si ga no, malo večje so bile od platnic albumčkov... Rezalnik za papir, lepilo, trakci (joj, ti trakci - saj se vidi, da sem čisto obsedena z njimi)... voilá!
I had another album-making weekend. If anyone finds these two familiar - congratulations on __ and good memory! Namely, I did some "recycling" this time - when I was trying to bring some order to my "creative anthill", I found some cards I made last year. I still like them, but they are quite different from the cards I've been making lately. And, what do you know? They were a little bit larger that the albums' covers... The paper cutter, some glue, ribbons (oh, those ribbons - one can tell I'm obsessed with them)... voilá!