Metuljčki, ki sem jih pri prejšnjem albumčku uporabila na zadnji strani, so tukaj praktično edini motiv. Črke sem nalepila tako, da malo odstopajo od ozadja, vrvica pa se mi je zdela najbolj učinkovit element celotne podobe. Zadaj je nisem nalepila, ampak napeljala pod tablico in skozi dva trikotna obešalnička. Na tablico si lahko lastnik albuma napiše še kakšen uporaben podatek. Bistro, kajne?
The butterflies I used on the back side of the yesterday's album, represent practically the only motiv here. I glued the letters in such a manner that they stand out a little bit from the background. The cord seemed to me the most effective element of the whole design. I didn't want to glue it on the back, so I threaded it underneath the tag and through two triangular hangers. The owner of the album can write some useful data on the tag. Clever, right?