To vem že dolgo. Vem, da ne grem v marsikateri okvir. Pa se ne sekiram kaj dosti. A zakaj sem čudna? Recimo:
Ker nisem gledala, ne gledam in ne bom gledala Kmetije in vseh sorodnih resničnostnih spakedral, slovenske humoristične TV produkcije in kuharskih oddaj (izjema je bil Jamie, ampak njega sem gledala iz lingvističnih razlogov).
Ker ne gledam "Spet doma" in "TLP". In Piramide. In vseh mogočih preobrazb. In Oprah.
Ker besede smučanje ne povezujem s pojmom "naš nacionalni šport", ampak s pojmi "stroški", "gužva" in "mraz".
Ker hodimo na morje sami in ne v čredi. In ker na večer pred odhodom na morje ne izropamo lokalnega megamarketa, ampak hrano in pijačo kupimo tam.
Ker v moji glavi ne obstaja miselna povezava med pojmom "nedeljsko kosilo" in govejo juho in praženim krompirjem.
Ker če bi trač revije bile finančno odvisne od mene, jih ne bi bilo.
Ker nisem čisto mehka, ko se kje zasliši Eroica. Ali Il Divo.
Ker po lastni izbiri nisem imela dekliščine, bele poročne obleke, sto svatov, rdečeličnega harmonikarja in goveje juhe. In praženega krompirja.
Ker sem alergična na pravopisne napake in elektronska sporočila, poslana na cel seznam naslovov (čeprav se oboje kdaj ponesreči tudi meni).
Ker nimam pojma, kako je bilo ime babicama, ki sta bili zraven, ko sta se rodili moji hčeri.
Ker se mi zdi popolnoma vesoljsko, ko se ljudje kmalu po prvem novembru začnejo pogovarjati, kje bodo silvestrovali.
In ker letos nimamo smrečice.

I've known it for a long time. I know I don't fit to many concepts. And I don't really care much. Why am I weird? Let's see:
Because I haven't watched, I don't watch and I will not watch all kinds of reality freak shows, slovenian sitcoms and cooking shows (well, the only exception was Jamie, but I watched him for linguistic reasons).
Because I don't watch "Spet doma" and "TLP". And Piramida. And all possible makeovers. Nor Oprah.
Because for me the word "skiing" is not related to the phrase "our national sport", it's more like "expensive", "crowded" and "cold".
Because when we go to spend a week at the seaside, we do it alone and not in a whole group of families. And the night before leaving, we do not empty our local supermarket, but we buy everything we need "down there".
Because in my head, there is no association between the phrase "Sunday lunch" and the beef soup and fried potatoes.
Because the yellow press would vanish from the face of the Earth if it financially relied on me.
Because I don't go totally soft if I hear Eroica. Or Il Divo.
Because I chose not to have a bachelorette party, a white wedding dress, a hundred guests, an accordion player with red cheeks and beef soup. And fried potatoes.
Because I'm allergic to spelling errors and e-mails sent to an entire list of addresses (although it occasionally happens to me as well).
Because I have no idea what were the names of the mid-wives who were present when my girls were born.
Because it seems totally out this world when soon after the 1st November, people start talking abot when they were going to sped the New Year's Eve.
And because this year we don't have a Christmas tree.

Če bi ob vsem tem rabila tolažbo, bi me tolažilo dejstvo, da ima vsak svoje čudne trenutke, navade, prepričanja. In nekako se mi zdi, da se bo kakšno od njih znašlo tudi tukaj, malo nižje...
If I needed a consolation, it would be the fact that every person has own weird moments, habits, beliefs. And I somehow feel that some of them will be written here, a bit further down.Nadvse lep preostanek leta vam želi vaša čudna
Best wishes for great remaining days of the year from your weirdmravljica