31 december 2009
30 december 2009
Za moje drage. / For my loved ones.
Iz bunkaste volne. / Made of pom-pom yarn.
Malo tuhtanja, malo eksperimentiranja, pa je bil koncept kar hitro sprejet. / A bit of thinking, a bit of experimenting, and the concept was accepted very quickly.
Nekaj še iz "gozdnih sadežev". / Some more "forest fruits".
A se samo meni zdi, da zgornji štirje srčki zgledajo kot beseda "LOVE"? / Am I the only one who thinks that the top four hearts spell the word "LOVE"?
Rada vas imam, / Love,
Za moje drage. / For my loved ones.
Iz bunkaste volne. / Made of pom-pom yarn.
Malo tuhtanja, malo eksperimentiranja, pa je bil koncept kar hitro sprejet. / A bit of thinking, a bit of experimenting, and the concept was accepted very quickly.
Nekaj še iz "gozdnih sadežev". / Some more "forest fruits".
A se samo meni zdi, da zgornji štirje srčki zgledajo kot beseda "LOVE"? / Am I the only one who thinks that the top four hearts spell the word "LOVE"?
Rada vas imam, / Love,
29 december 2009
Čudna sem, saj vem
To vem že dolgo. Vem, da ne grem v marsikateri okvir. Pa se ne sekiram kaj dosti. A zakaj sem čudna? Recimo:
Ker nisem gledala, ne gledam in ne bom gledala Kmetije in vseh sorodnih resničnostnih spakedral, slovenske humoristične TV produkcije in kuharskih oddaj (izjema je bil Jamie, ampak njega sem gledala iz lingvističnih razlogov).
Ker ne gledam "Spet doma" in "TLP". In Piramide. In vseh mogočih preobrazb. In Oprah.
Ker besede smučanje ne povezujem s pojmom "naš nacionalni šport", ampak s pojmi "stroški", "gužva" in "mraz".
Ker hodimo na morje sami in ne v čredi. In ker na večer pred odhodom na morje ne izropamo lokalnega megamarketa, ampak hrano in pijačo kupimo tam.
Ker v moji glavi ne obstaja miselna povezava med pojmom "nedeljsko kosilo" in govejo juho in praženim krompirjem.
Ker če bi trač revije bile finančno odvisne od mene, jih ne bi bilo.
Ker nisem čisto mehka, ko se kje zasliši Eroica. Ali Il Divo.
Ker po lastni izbiri nisem imela dekliščine, bele poročne obleke, sto svatov, rdečeličnega harmonikarja in goveje juhe. In praženega krompirja.
Ker sem alergična na pravopisne napake in elektronska sporočila, poslana na cel seznam naslovov (čeprav se oboje kdaj ponesreči tudi meni).
Ker nimam pojma, kako je bilo ime babicama, ki sta bili zraven, ko sta se rodili moji hčeri.
Ker se mi zdi popolnoma vesoljsko, ko se ljudje kmalu po prvem novembru začnejo pogovarjati, kje bodo silvestrovali.
In ker letos nimamo smrečice.
I've known it for a long time. I know I don't fit to many concepts. And I don't really care much. Why am I weird? Let's see:
Because I haven't watched, I don't watch and I will not watch all kinds of reality freak shows, slovenian sitcoms and cooking shows (well, the only exception was Jamie, but I watched him for linguistic reasons).
Because I don't watch "Spet doma" and "TLP". And Piramida. And all possible makeovers. Nor Oprah.
Because for me the word "skiing" is not related to the phrase "our national sport", it's more like "expensive", "crowded" and "cold".
Because when we go to spend a week at the seaside, we do it alone and not in a whole group of families. And the night before leaving, we do not empty our local supermarket, but we buy everything we need "down there".
Because in my head, there is no association between the phrase "Sunday lunch" and the beef soup and fried potatoes.
Because the yellow press would vanish from the face of the Earth if it financially relied on me.
Because I don't go totally soft if I hear Eroica. Or Il Divo.
Because I chose not to have a bachelorette party, a white wedding dress, a hundred guests, an accordion player with red cheeks and beef soup. And fried potatoes.
Because I'm allergic to spelling errors and e-mails sent to an entire list of addresses (although it occasionally happens to me as well).
Because I have no idea what were the names of the mid-wives who were present when my girls were born.
Because it seems totally out this world when soon after the 1st November, people start talking abot when they were going to sped the New Year's Eve.
And because this year we don't have a Christmas tree.
Če bi ob vsem tem rabila tolažbo, bi me tolažilo dejstvo, da ima vsak svoje čudne trenutke, navade, prepričanja. In nekako se mi zdi, da se bo kakšno od njih znašlo tudi tukaj, malo nižje...
/ If I needed a consolation, it would be the fact that every person has own weird moments, habits, beliefs. And I somehow feel that some of them will be written here, a bit further down.
Nadvse lep preostanek leta vam želi vaša čudna
/Best wishes for great remaining days of the year from your weird
Ker nisem gledala, ne gledam in ne bom gledala Kmetije in vseh sorodnih resničnostnih spakedral, slovenske humoristične TV produkcije in kuharskih oddaj (izjema je bil Jamie, ampak njega sem gledala iz lingvističnih razlogov).
Ker ne gledam "Spet doma" in "TLP". In Piramide. In vseh mogočih preobrazb. In Oprah.
Ker besede smučanje ne povezujem s pojmom "naš nacionalni šport", ampak s pojmi "stroški", "gužva" in "mraz".
Ker hodimo na morje sami in ne v čredi. In ker na večer pred odhodom na morje ne izropamo lokalnega megamarketa, ampak hrano in pijačo kupimo tam.
Ker v moji glavi ne obstaja miselna povezava med pojmom "nedeljsko kosilo" in govejo juho in praženim krompirjem.
Ker če bi trač revije bile finančno odvisne od mene, jih ne bi bilo.
Ker nisem čisto mehka, ko se kje zasliši Eroica. Ali Il Divo.
Ker po lastni izbiri nisem imela dekliščine, bele poročne obleke, sto svatov, rdečeličnega harmonikarja in goveje juhe. In praženega krompirja.
Ker sem alergična na pravopisne napake in elektronska sporočila, poslana na cel seznam naslovov (čeprav se oboje kdaj ponesreči tudi meni).
Ker nimam pojma, kako je bilo ime babicama, ki sta bili zraven, ko sta se rodili moji hčeri.
Ker se mi zdi popolnoma vesoljsko, ko se ljudje kmalu po prvem novembru začnejo pogovarjati, kje bodo silvestrovali.
In ker letos nimamo smrečice.
I've known it for a long time. I know I don't fit to many concepts. And I don't really care much. Why am I weird? Let's see:
Because I haven't watched, I don't watch and I will not watch all kinds of reality freak shows, slovenian sitcoms and cooking shows (well, the only exception was Jamie, but I watched him for linguistic reasons).
Because I don't watch "Spet doma" and "TLP". And Piramida. And all possible makeovers. Nor Oprah.
Because for me the word "skiing" is not related to the phrase "our national sport", it's more like "expensive", "crowded" and "cold".
Because when we go to spend a week at the seaside, we do it alone and not in a whole group of families. And the night before leaving, we do not empty our local supermarket, but we buy everything we need "down there".
Because in my head, there is no association between the phrase "Sunday lunch" and the beef soup and fried potatoes.
Because the yellow press would vanish from the face of the Earth if it financially relied on me.
Because I don't go totally soft if I hear Eroica. Or Il Divo.
Because I chose not to have a bachelorette party, a white wedding dress, a hundred guests, an accordion player with red cheeks and beef soup. And fried potatoes.
Because I'm allergic to spelling errors and e-mails sent to an entire list of addresses (although it occasionally happens to me as well).
Because I have no idea what were the names of the mid-wives who were present when my girls were born.
Because it seems totally out this world when soon after the 1st November, people start talking abot when they were going to sped the New Year's Eve.
And because this year we don't have a Christmas tree.
Če bi ob vsem tem rabila tolažbo, bi me tolažilo dejstvo, da ima vsak svoje čudne trenutke, navade, prepričanja. In nekako se mi zdi, da se bo kakšno od njih znašlo tudi tukaj, malo nižje...
/ If I needed a consolation, it would be the fact that every person has own weird moments, habits, beliefs. And I somehow feel that some of them will be written here, a bit further down.
Nadvse lep preostanek leta vam želi vaša čudna
/Best wishes for great remaining days of the year from your weird
28 december 2009
In na koncu jih je zmanjkalo
Voščilnic namreč. In ker se je že malo mudilo, sem situacijo rešila s snežaki. Izrezala sem jih že prej, zato jih je bilo potrebno samo malo skombinirati in postaviti na njihove bleščičaste hribčke.
p.s.: Ne, tokrat jih ni bilo deset. Jih nisem toliko potrebovala, na zalogo jih pa tudi nisem hotela delati.
Cards namely. And as I was already in a hurry, I saved the day with snowmen. I had cut them out before, so I just had to combine them with other elements and place them on their glittery hills.
p.s. No, it wasn't ten of them this time. I didn't need that many and I didn't want to have any left.
27 december 2009
Objemčkov bratec
Moder in bel.
Včeraj sta oba odšla na pot.
In že včeraj prišla na cilj.
V prave rokice.
Veselje v otroških očeh je največje plačilo za trud...
Blue and white.
They both set out on a journey yesterday.
And have already arrived at their destination.
To little hands they were destined for.
To see the joy in children's eyes is the greatest reward for one's efforts...
Včeraj sta oba odšla na pot.
In že včeraj prišla na cilj.
V prave rokice.
Veselje v otroških očeh je največje plačilo za trud...
Blue and white.
They both set out on a journey yesterday.
And have already arrived at their destination.
To little hands they were destined for.
To see the joy in children's eyes is the greatest reward for one's efforts...
25 december 2009
Rožice, ki ne ovenijo
24 december 2009
Melodija za današnji dan
Če boste danes in nocoj solo, duet, trio, kvartet, kvintet, komorna zasedba ali orkester, naj bodo melodije srca čarobne...
No matter whether you play solo, in a duet, trio, quartet, quintet, in a chamber or large orchestra today and tonight, may the tunes of the heart bring you magic...
No matter whether you play solo, in a duet, trio, quartet, quintet, in a chamber or large orchestra today and tonight, may the tunes of the heart bring you magic...
23 december 2009
Vijolčkoti - drugič
21 december 2009
Zvezda. Plesna zvezda.
Gospodič, ki je s svojo soplesalko v soboto postal Plesna zvezda, je slučajno mravljinčkov sodelavec. In zato je dežurna abilahkotiprosimnardilaenočestitko včeraj naredila eno nestandardno. Ampak barve so pa standardne. Srednji del so danes zjutraj napolnili sodelavci.
My hubby's colleague won a dancing contest on Saturday. So the usual pleasecouldyoumakeacard made a card yesterday. A non-standard one. In standard colours. I left the central part blank to be filled by the colleagues.
20 december 2009
Gostujoča umetnika - sneg in sonce
ki sta danes poleg nekaj zanimivih fotk poskrbela tudi za čudovit vesel družinski sprehod.
They made us go out, for a wonderful and merry family walk. And we took some photos.
Še zadnji... / The last one hanging...
Puhek / Fluffy
Veliki in mali / The big and the small
"To je bilo prvič in zadnjič, da smo se prijavili v program izmenjave študentov!"
/ "This is the first and the last time we have participated in a student exchange programme!"
Kučme / Fur caps
In dva zasnežena angelčka. / And two snow angels.
They made us go out, for a wonderful and merry family walk. And we took some photos.
Še zadnji... / The last one hanging...
Puhek / Fluffy
Veliki in mali / The big and the small
"To je bilo prvič in zadnjič, da smo se prijavili v program izmenjave študentov!"
/ "This is the first and the last time we have participated in a student exchange programme!"
Kučme / Fur caps
In dva zasnežena angelčka. / And two snow angels.
19 december 2009
Dišeča darilca
Dva darili zame. Obe iz obmorskih krajev in obe krasno dišeči. Eno po sivki, drugo po čokoladi. Oboje čisto za mojo dušo. Doris in Suzi, še enkrat hvala.
Two presents zame. Both from the places by the sea and both wonderfully fragrant. One with the scent of lavender, the other with the scent of chocolate. Both perfect for my soul. Doris and Suzi, thank you both once again.
Tile "vijolčkoti" so pa iz moje kuhinje. Z dišečo in sladko vsebino. Listki z napisom so natisnjeni, potem pa sem jih vseeno malo "prestrašila" z blazinico, da izgledajo malo bolj merlotasto.
/ And these "purplies" are from my kitchen. With fragrant and sweet contents. The tags are printed, but I "spooked" them a bit with an ink pad to make them look a little more "merlot-like".
Ampak ko mravljice kuhajo dobrote, si nekaj pustijo še za svojo rezervo - v manjših flaškah, seveda :)
/ But when little ants make something good, they keep some of it for themselves - in smaller bottles, of course :)
Two presents zame. Both from the places by the sea and both wonderfully fragrant. One with the scent of lavender, the other with the scent of chocolate. Both perfect for my soul. Doris and Suzi, thank you both once again.
Tile "vijolčkoti" so pa iz moje kuhinje. Z dišečo in sladko vsebino. Listki z napisom so natisnjeni, potem pa sem jih vseeno malo "prestrašila" z blazinico, da izgledajo malo bolj merlotasto.
/ And these "purplies" are from my kitchen. With fragrant and sweet contents. The tags are printed, but I "spooked" them a bit with an ink pad to make them look a little more "merlot-like".
Ampak ko mravljice kuhajo dobrote, si nekaj pustijo še za svojo rezervo - v manjših flaškah, seveda :)
/ But when little ants make something good, they keep some of it for themselves - in smaller bottles, of course :)
13 december 2009
Predalniček za gostiteljico
Za gostiteljico našega včerajšnjega srečanja Otoka zakladov, Anito, sem naredila en predalniček za drobnarije. / I made this little drawer case for its and bits for the host of our yesterday's meeting of the "Treasure Island", Anita.
Tudi dno predalčkov sem "oblekla", v predalčke pa sem skrila nekaj sladkih presenečenj. / I decorated the bottoms of the drawers as well, and I hid some sweet surprises in the drawers.
Pa še mravljičin podpis / And the signature
Anita, hvala še enkrat. / Anita, thanks again.
07 december 2009
Bunkasta norija se nadaljuje
Ideja je bila že v trgovini.
Ime: Bunkobjemček
Datum nastanka: Miklavževo 2009
Višina: 20 cm
Širina: 10 cm
Značaj: prijazen
Najljubše opravilo: crkljanje pred spanjem
Načrti za prihodnost: pod smrečico počakati, da majhne rokice odprejo paket
Bratci in sestrice: v nastajanju
Pa še slika "iz profila", da se vidi, kak bajsek je.
The idea was there while I was still in the shop.
Name: Pompom Huggy
Date of origin: St. Nicholas Day 2009
Height: 20 cm
Width: 10 cm
Character: sweet
Favourite activity: cuddling before sleep
Plans for the future: to wait under the Christmas tree for little hands to open the present
Brothers and sisters: to be made
And a side photo to show how chubby he is.
05 december 2009
Pletenje z bunkasto volno
Mehko volno z bunkicami sem prvič videla lani na sejmu v Vicenzi, pred mesecem pa sem jo po naključju odkrila v Avstriji. Zdaj pa jo prodajajo tudi pri nas (KIK). In ker je pri pletenju s to volno najbolj važen princip in ker je od celotnega principa najbolj neugoden začetek, sem obljubila, da pokažem par slikic in mogoče kateri "štrikarci" prihranim nekaj minut in nejevolje.
/ I first saw this great yarn with soft little pompoms at the Vicenza fair last year, and last month I discovered it in a shop in Austria. And now it's also sold in our country. And as the most important thing in knitting with this wool is the principle and as the most "messy" part is the beginning, I promised to show some photos and maybe spare some knitters a few minutes and some trouble.
Ko sem delala prvič ("gozdne sadeže"), sem se precej namučila z začetkom. V navodilih piše, da je treba nasnuti določeno število petelj in nato plesti same desne. Tisto "nasnuti" je z bunkicami precej problematično, a sem bila trmasta in naredila celo začetek za dve kapici, preden se mi je posvetilo: Zakaj pa ne bi nasnula prve vrste z gladko volno?!?!
/ When I first worked with it ("forest fruits" if you remember), I had quite some problems with the beginning. The instruction says one should cast on a certain amount of loops and then knit both ways. The "cast on" part was pretty problematic, but I was stubborn and I even managed to make it for even two caps before I had the idea: Why not cast the first line with straight yarn?!?!
Torej: vzela sem volno z bunkicami, gladko volno v eni izmed barv (belo), pletilko, ki je bila priložena kompletu iz KIK-a (debelo, št. 7 ali 8) in eno tanjšo pletilko (mislim, da je št. 4).
/ So I took the yarn with pompoms, straight yarn in one of the colours (white), the knitting needle from the set bought in KIK (thick one, No. 7 or 8) and a thinner needle (I think it's No. 4).
Na debelo petljo sem nasnula 20 petelj z belo volno. Nasnujemo jih dvakrat toliko, kolikor želimo imeti bunkic v vrsti.
/ I cast on 20 loops in white yarn to the thick needle. The number of loops should be twice the number of pompoms we wish to have in one row.
Za naslednjo vrsto že vzamemo tanko pletilko in naredimo začetno petljo z delom nitke pred bunkico.
/ We take the thinner needle for the next row and knit the starting loop with the part of the yarn before the pompom.
Bunkico pustimo ležati za pletenjem in z nitko med bunkicama spletemo dve petlji.
/ We leave the pompom behind the knitting and knit two loops with the part of the yarn between the pompoms.
Postopek ponavljamo do konca vrste, zaključimo tudi z desno petljo.
/ We repeat the procedure until the end of the row and finish off by knitting one loop.
Pletenje obrnemo in zopet pletemo same desne: začetna - bunkico pustimo za pletenjem - dve desni itd.
/ We turn over and knit the entire row: beginning loop, pompom at the back, knit two etc.
Poleg tega, da je robna vrstica neprimerno bolj enostavna za pletenje, jo lahko nato tudi lažje uporabimo, če želimo izdelek po tistem robu sešiti ali pa, če delamo šal, nanjo navežemo "štrancke" (franže).
/ The first row is much more simple for knitting and can also be used if we wish to sew the edges together or, if we are making a scarf, we can add some embellishments.
Upam, da sem komu pomagala. / Hope this helps.
Fotke: Kosmata roka / Photo: Hairy hand
- - - - -
Ko sem napisala že celo objavo, sem šla še nekaj preverjat na Google in seveda sem našla navodila za pletenje s to volno. Je tudi za pogledat. Volna je malo drugačna, ker ima večje in manjše bunkice, navodilo bomo pa sprobali.
/ After I wrote the entire post, I went to check something in Google and of course I found a tutorial for knitting with this yarn. To be checked out as well. The yarn is a bit different, it has larger and smaller pompoms, but we sure will try out the tutorial.
Mehko volno z bunkicami sem prvič videla lani na sejmu v Vicenzi, pred mesecem pa sem jo po naključju odkrila v Avstriji. Zdaj pa jo prodajajo tudi pri nas (KIK). In ker je pri pletenju s to volno najbolj važen princip in ker je od celotnega principa najbolj neugoden začetek, sem obljubila, da pokažem par slikic in mogoče kateri "štrikarci" prihranim nekaj minut in nejevolje.
/ I first saw this great yarn with soft little pompoms at the Vicenza fair last year, and last month I discovered it in a shop in Austria. And now it's also sold in our country. And as the most important thing in knitting with this wool is the principle and as the most "messy" part is the beginning, I promised to show some photos and maybe spare some knitters a few minutes and some trouble.
Ko sem delala prvič ("gozdne sadeže"), sem se precej namučila z začetkom. V navodilih piše, da je treba nasnuti določeno število petelj in nato plesti same desne. Tisto "nasnuti" je z bunkicami precej problematično, a sem bila trmasta in naredila celo začetek za dve kapici, preden se mi je posvetilo: Zakaj pa ne bi nasnula prve vrste z gladko volno?!?!
/ When I first worked with it ("forest fruits" if you remember), I had quite some problems with the beginning. The instruction says one should cast on a certain amount of loops and then knit both ways. The "cast on" part was pretty problematic, but I was stubborn and I even managed to make it for even two caps before I had the idea: Why not cast the first line with straight yarn?!?!
Torej: vzela sem volno z bunkicami, gladko volno v eni izmed barv (belo), pletilko, ki je bila priložena kompletu iz KIK-a (debelo, št. 7 ali 8) in eno tanjšo pletilko (mislim, da je št. 4).
/ So I took the yarn with pompoms, straight yarn in one of the colours (white), the knitting needle from the set bought in KIK (thick one, No. 7 or 8) and a thinner needle (I think it's No. 4).
Na debelo petljo sem nasnula 20 petelj z belo volno. Nasnujemo jih dvakrat toliko, kolikor želimo imeti bunkic v vrsti.
/ I cast on 20 loops in white yarn to the thick needle. The number of loops should be twice the number of pompoms we wish to have in one row.
Za naslednjo vrsto že vzamemo tanko pletilko in naredimo začetno petljo z delom nitke pred bunkico.
/ We take the thinner needle for the next row and knit the starting loop with the part of the yarn before the pompom.
Bunkico pustimo ležati za pletenjem in z nitko med bunkicama spletemo dve petlji.
/ We leave the pompom behind the knitting and knit two loops with the part of the yarn between the pompoms.
Postopek ponavljamo do konca vrste, zaključimo tudi z desno petljo.
/ We repeat the procedure until the end of the row and finish off by knitting one loop.
Pletenje obrnemo in zopet pletemo same desne: začetna - bunkico pustimo za pletenjem - dve desni itd.
/ We turn over and knit the entire row: beginning loop, pompom at the back, knit two etc.
Poleg tega, da je robna vrstica neprimerno bolj enostavna za pletenje, jo lahko nato tudi lažje uporabimo, če želimo izdelek po tistem robu sešiti ali pa, če delamo šal, nanjo navežemo "štrancke" (franže).
/ The first row is much more simple for knitting and can also be used if we wish to sew the edges together or, if we are making a scarf, we can add some embellishments.
Upam, da sem komu pomagala. / Hope this helps.
Fotke: Kosmata roka / Photo: Hairy hand
- - - - -
Ko sem napisala že celo objavo, sem šla še nekaj preverjat na Google in seveda sem našla navodila za pletenje s to volno. Je tudi za pogledat. Volna je malo drugačna, ker ima večje in manjše bunkice, navodilo bomo pa sprobali.
/ After I wrote the entire post, I went to check something in Google and of course I found a tutorial for knitting with this yarn. To be checked out as well. The yarn is a bit different, it has larger and smaller pompoms, but we sure will try out the tutorial.
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