S krašenjem one ta prave pri nas čakamo do zadnje tretjine decembra, tale pa bo za okras na oknu ali vhodnih vratih. Idejo in navdih sem dobila pri Lauren, ampak njeni smrečici in ostalim izdelkom ne sežem do kolen...
Drevesce je visoko 30 cm, "kroglice" pa so Pikovit pastile s pretečenim rokom uporabe :) Jaz sem hotela dati lesene polkroglice, pa sta me mravljičici preglasovali.
Our family waits until the last third of December to decorate the Christmas tree, but this one will embellish a window or the front door. I got the idea and inspiration on Lauren's blog, but I have a long way to go until I can make things like she does...
The tree is 30 cm high, and the "baubles" are cough drops past the expiry date :) I initially wanted to use wooden semi-spheres, but was outvoted by my daughters.