Mehko volno z bunkicami sem prvič videla lani na sejmu v Vicenzi, pred mesecem pa sem jo po naključju odkrila v Avstriji. Zdaj pa jo prodajajo tudi pri nas (KIK). In ker je pri pletenju s to volno najbolj važen princip in ker je od celotnega principa najbolj neugoden začetek, sem obljubila, da pokažem par slikic in mogoče kateri "štrikarci" prihranim nekaj minut in nejevolje.
/ I first saw this great yarn with soft little pompoms at the Vicenza fair last year, and last month I discovered it in a shop in Austria. And now it's also sold in our country. And as the most important thing in knitting with this wool is the principle and as the most "messy" part is the beginning, I promised to show some photos and maybe spare some knitters a few minutes and some trouble.
Ko sem delala prvič ("gozdne sadeže"), sem se precej namučila z začetkom. V navodilih piše, da je treba nasnuti določeno število petelj in nato plesti same desne. Tisto "nasnuti" je z bunkicami precej problematično, a sem bila trmasta in naredila celo začetek za dve kapici, preden se mi je posvetilo: Zakaj pa ne bi nasnula prve vrste z gladko volno?!?!
/ When I first worked with it ("forest fruits" if you remember), I had quite some problems with the beginning. The instruction says one should cast on a certain amount of loops and then knit both ways. The "cast on" part was pretty problematic, but I was stubborn and I even managed to make it for even two caps before I had the idea: Why not cast the first line with straight yarn?!?!
Torej: vzela sem volno z bunkicami, gladko volno v eni izmed barv (belo), pletilko, ki je bila priložena kompletu iz KIK-a (debelo, št. 7 ali 8) in eno tanjšo pletilko (mislim, da je št. 4).
/ So I took the yarn with pompoms, straight yarn in one of the colours (white), the knitting needle from the set bought in KIK (thick one, No. 7 or 8) and a thinner needle (I think it's No. 4).
Na debelo petljo sem nasnula 20 petelj z belo volno. Nasnujemo jih dvakrat toliko, kolikor želimo imeti bunkic v vrsti.
/ I cast on 20 loops in white yarn to the thick needle. The number of loops should be twice the number of pompoms we wish to have in one row.
Za naslednjo vrsto že vzamemo tanko pletilko in naredimo začetno petljo z delom nitke pred bunkico.
/ We take the thinner needle for the next row and knit the starting loop with the part of the yarn before the pompom.
Bunkico pustimo ležati za pletenjem in z nitko med bunkicama spletemo dve petlji.
/ We leave the pompom behind the knitting and knit two loops with the part of the yarn between the pompoms.
Postopek ponavljamo do konca vrste, zaključimo tudi z desno petljo.
/ We repeat the procedure until the end of the row and finish off by knitting one loop.
Pletenje obrnemo in zopet pletemo same desne: začetna - bunkico pustimo za pletenjem - dve desni itd.
/ We turn over and knit the entire row: beginning loop, pompom at the back, knit two etc.
Poleg tega, da je robna vrstica neprimerno bolj enostavna za pletenje, jo lahko nato tudi lažje uporabimo, če želimo izdelek po tistem robu sešiti ali pa, če delamo šal, nanjo navežemo "štrancke" (franže).
/ The first row is much more simple for knitting and can also be used if we wish to sew the edges together or, if we are making a scarf, we can add some embellishments.
Upam, da sem komu pomagala. / Hope this helps.
Fotke: Kosmata roka / Photo: Hairy hand
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Ko sem napisala že celo objavo, sem šla še nekaj preverjat na Google in seveda sem našla navodila za pletenje s to volno. Je tudi za pogledat. Volna je malo drugačna, ker ima večje in manjše bunkice, navodilo bomo pa sprobali.
/ After I wrote the entire post, I went to check something in Google and of course I found a tutorial for knitting with this yarn. To be checked out as well. The yarn is a bit different, it has larger and smaller pompoms, but we sure will try out the tutorial.