Two presents zame. Both from the places by the sea and both wonderfully fragrant. One with the scent of lavender, the other with the scent of chocolate. Both perfect for my soul. Doris and Suzi, thank you both once again.
Tile "vijolčkoti" so pa iz moje kuhinje. Z dišečo in sladko vsebino. Listki z napisom so natisnjeni, potem pa sem jih vseeno malo "prestrašila" z blazinico, da izgledajo malo bolj merlotasto.
/ And these "purplies" are from my kitchen. With fragrant and sweet contents. The tags are printed, but I "spooked" them a bit with an ink pad to make them look a little more "merlot-like".
Ampak ko mravljice kuhajo dobrote, si nekaj pustijo še za svojo rezervo - v manjših flaškah, seveda :)
/ But when little ants make something good, they keep some of it for themselves - in smaller bottles, of course :)