28 februar 2009
Kiss kiss
Ko sem videla Barvni navdih št. 43, ki ga je na svojem blogu objavila Kristina, sem vedela, da moram samo seči v kupček predpripravljenih podlag iz prejšnje objave. Pa sem izbrala eno podlago v ustreznih barvah (bela je tudi dovoljena), in to takega z nekaj angleškimi besedami, ki ga za lastne potrebe verjetno ne bi uporabila (bi šel verjetno v darilni paket voščilnic za kakšno najstnico...). In kaj bi bolje šlo zraven k tem lepim besedam kot mala zaljubljenčka od Sarah Kay? Samo še po lončku z barvicami sem morala pobrskati, pa med razcepkami in trakci, pobarvati, izrezati in sestaviti. In občutek je spet dober.
Lep vikend!
When I saw Kristina's Color Inspiration #43, I knew that all I had to do was to browse through my card bases I talked about in my previous post. So I took one in matching colours (white is allowed as well) - I chose one with some English words which I probably wouldn't use for myself (it would probably end up in a card set as a gift for a teenage girl...). And what could go better with these beautiful words than Sarah Kay's two little lovebirds? So I just had to take my colour pencils, brads and ribbons, colour the image, cut it out and assemble the card. And it feels good again.
Have a great weekend!
- - -
slikica/image: Sarah Kay (Stampavie), StazOn - Timber Brown
papir/paper: Die Cuts With a View
razcepke/brads: Making Memories
26 februar 2009
Iz kvadrata v pravokotnik
Pred časom sem dobila dva luškana kompleta za izdelavo voščilnic. V vsakem kompletu osnove za 20 voščilnic, pet vzorčastih papirčkov in ohoho nalepkic. Vse lepo barvno usklajeno, strukturiran karton - bi rekli super, sploh ni treba kaj dosti delat...
/ Some time ago, I got two cute card kits. In every one of them, there are 20 card bases, five patterned papers and many many stickers. Everything in matching colours, textured cardboard - one would say, great, this won't take much effort...
Ampak ne. Dvakrat ne. Prvič zato, ker mi predpripravljene voščilnice predstavljajo neko rešitev, če je treba na hitro narediti veliko količino. Ni zame. In drugič zato, ker ne delam kvadratnih voščilnic. Ali okroglih, ali ovalnih. Ni zame. Sem se pač "zapekla" na eno pravokotno dimenzijo in še tisto delam striktno pokončen format (v mojih čisto začetnih objavah boste našli eno kvadratno in tri, štiri ležeče, potem pa več ne). Glede na to, da mi ni treba zaradi ekonomskih interesov slediti zahtevam glede oblike, si jemljem to pravico.
But no. No twice. First of all, I take pre-fabricated cards as a solution if a large quantity needs to be done in short time. Not for me. And second, I don't make square cards. Nor circle ones, nor oval ones. Not for me. I just "got stuck" on the rectangular shape, one precise dimension and portrait format (in some of my very first posts, you'll find one square card and three or four in landscape format, and that's it). I don't have to follow any requirements regarding shape due to economic reasons, so I'm taking this as my right to do so.
No, če se vrnem na kompletke - vzela sem nekaj osnov, jih odrezala na pravo širino, narezala kose različnih višin in poiskala moje kartonske osnove (kartoni iz Lidla) v ustreznih barvah. Pri rezanju širine mi je vsakič ostal trakec, ki je bil - glej ga, zlomka - malo širši od 2,5 cm. Seveda bodo to palčki-malčki, ko bom tako daleč (nekaj jih je že na sliki). Tudi ožje trakce sem shranila.
Well, back to card kits - I took some bases, cut them to the right width, I cut pieces of various heights and took my cardboard bases (cardboard from Lidl) in matching colours. When I was cutting them to the right width, I was left with stripes which - well, well - were a bit wider than 2.5 cm. Of course I'll turn them into inchies when I get that far (some of them are already in the photo). And I saved the narrower strips as well.
Nato sem vzela obojestranski selotejp, odrezala trak, ki je malo krajši od višine osnove, ga dala na osnovo z lepljivo stranjo navzgor in nanj pozicionirala kose, ki naj bi šli na posamezno voščilnico - nisem jih lepila neposredno na voščilnico, ker bom mogoče (sigurno) dodajala še razcepke, trakce, šive...
Then I took the double-sided adhesive tape, cut off a strip which was a bit shorter than the height of the base, put in on the base with the adhesive side up and positioned the pieces that were supposed to go on a card - I didn't want to adhere them directly onto the base because I'll maybe (definitely) want to add brads, ribbons, stitches...
In zdaj imam kar nekaj predpripravljenih podlag, ki čakajo na pobarvane sličice, odtisnjene motivčke, napise in okraske. Seveda bom pokazala sestavljene.
And now I've got my own pre-fabricated bases waiting for coloured images, stamped little motives, words and embellishments. Of course I'll show them once they are assembled.
Ja, pa še to. Kar nekaj enobarvnih kartončkov je zaenkrat še ušlo giljotini :) Ker niso potiskani enostransko, ampak lepo barvni na obeh straneh, so jim bolj usojene kakšne škatlaste in zvezdaste eksplozije...
Oh, one more thing. Quite a few cardboards managed to escape the paper cutter :) And since they are coloured on both sides and not just printed on one side, they'll be destined for some box and star explosions...
Pred časom sem dobila dva luškana kompleta za izdelavo voščilnic. V vsakem kompletu osnove za 20 voščilnic, pet vzorčastih papirčkov in ohoho nalepkic. Vse lepo barvno usklajeno, strukturiran karton - bi rekli super, sploh ni treba kaj dosti delat...
/ Some time ago, I got two cute card kits. In every one of them, there are 20 card bases, five patterned papers and many many stickers. Everything in matching colours, textured cardboard - one would say, great, this won't take much effort...
Ampak ne. Dvakrat ne. Prvič zato, ker mi predpripravljene voščilnice predstavljajo neko rešitev, če je treba na hitro narediti veliko količino. Ni zame. In drugič zato, ker ne delam kvadratnih voščilnic. Ali okroglih, ali ovalnih. Ni zame. Sem se pač "zapekla" na eno pravokotno dimenzijo in še tisto delam striktno pokončen format (v mojih čisto začetnih objavah boste našli eno kvadratno in tri, štiri ležeče, potem pa več ne). Glede na to, da mi ni treba zaradi ekonomskih interesov slediti zahtevam glede oblike, si jemljem to pravico.
But no. No twice. First of all, I take pre-fabricated cards as a solution if a large quantity needs to be done in short time. Not for me. And second, I don't make square cards. Nor circle ones, nor oval ones. Not for me. I just "got stuck" on the rectangular shape, one precise dimension and portrait format (in some of my very first posts, you'll find one square card and three or four in landscape format, and that's it). I don't have to follow any requirements regarding shape due to economic reasons, so I'm taking this as my right to do so.
No, če se vrnem na kompletke - vzela sem nekaj osnov, jih odrezala na pravo širino, narezala kose različnih višin in poiskala moje kartonske osnove (kartoni iz Lidla) v ustreznih barvah. Pri rezanju širine mi je vsakič ostal trakec, ki je bil - glej ga, zlomka - malo širši od 2,5 cm. Seveda bodo to palčki-malčki, ko bom tako daleč (nekaj jih je že na sliki). Tudi ožje trakce sem shranila.
Well, back to card kits - I took some bases, cut them to the right width, I cut pieces of various heights and took my cardboard bases (cardboard from Lidl) in matching colours. When I was cutting them to the right width, I was left with stripes which - well, well - were a bit wider than 2.5 cm. Of course I'll turn them into inchies when I get that far (some of them are already in the photo). And I saved the narrower strips as well.
Nato sem vzela obojestranski selotejp, odrezala trak, ki je malo krajši od višine osnove, ga dala na osnovo z lepljivo stranjo navzgor in nanj pozicionirala kose, ki naj bi šli na posamezno voščilnico - nisem jih lepila neposredno na voščilnico, ker bom mogoče (sigurno) dodajala še razcepke, trakce, šive...
Then I took the double-sided adhesive tape, cut off a strip which was a bit shorter than the height of the base, put in on the base with the adhesive side up and positioned the pieces that were supposed to go on a card - I didn't want to adhere them directly onto the base because I'll maybe (definitely) want to add brads, ribbons, stitches...
In zdaj imam kar nekaj predpripravljenih podlag, ki čakajo na pobarvane sličice, odtisnjene motivčke, napise in okraske. Seveda bom pokazala sestavljene.
And now I've got my own pre-fabricated bases waiting for coloured images, stamped little motives, words and embellishments. Of course I'll show them once they are assembled.
Ja, pa še to. Kar nekaj enobarvnih kartončkov je zaenkrat še ušlo giljotini :) Ker niso potiskani enostransko, ampak lepo barvni na obeh straneh, so jim bolj usojene kakšne škatlaste in zvezdaste eksplozije...
Oh, one more thing. Quite a few cardboards managed to escape the paper cutter :) And since they are coloured on both sides and not just printed on one side, they'll be destined for some box and star explosions...
24 februar 2009
The Joker
Danes, ko kraljujejo maske, objavljam kralja vseh mask, Jokerja. Da posvetim tole objavo Heathu Ledgerju, ki je za vlogo Jokerja včeraj dobil oskarja za najboljšo stransko vlogo. In da povem, da me še vedno razžalosti, ko se spomnim, da Heatha več ni, in kaj vse bi še lahko bil...
Today, on the day of the masks, I'm posting a photo of the King of the Masks, the Joker. To dedicate this post to Heath Ledger whose Joker won the Oscar for the best supporting actor yesterday. And to say that it still makes me sad when I remember that Heath is gone and when I imagine what he could have become...
Heath Ledger (4.4.1979 - 22.1.2008)
21 februar 2009
Stekleničke upanja
Članice foruma Otok Zakladov so od leta 2006 aktivne udeleženke akcije Stekleničke upanja. V prejšnjem tednu smo imeli delavnico tudi v Velenju in seveda sem se je udeležila. In seveda me je FIMO spet čisto začaral - tako kot vsakič, ko ga po dolgem času vzamem iz škatle. Ampak tokrat je bil poleg vseh dosedanjih orodij zraven tudi valjček za testenine. Seveda sem takoj mobilizirala domačega in zdaj sem čisto obsedena od tehnike mešanja barv, ki se imenuje "tehnika skinner blend" in daje popolnoma nove dimenzije millefiori tehniki, ker je valjanje enakomerno debelih (tankih) plasti zdaj "mala mal'ca". Stekleničke, ki sem jih naredila na delavnici, bodo verjetno razstavljene tukaj (pokukajte malo, kakšne umetnine nastajajo), objavljam pa včerajšnje domače igrarije (tokrat še brez pokrovčkov), ki so danes odpotovale k moji teti, ki je prijazno ponudila pomoč pri zbiranju praznih stekleničk.
Members of the forum "Treasure Island" have been participating actively in the action "Bottles of Hope" since 2006. Last week, one of the workshops was organised in Velenje as well, and of course I took part. And of course I was enchanted by Fimo again - as always when I take it from the box after a long time. But this time, in addition to all other tools, we also has a pasta machine. And of course I "mobilised" the one we had at home and now I'm totally obsessed with the skinner blend technique which gives the millefiori technique an entirely new dimension, since making evenly thick (thin) layers is a piece of cake now. The bottles I made in the workshop will probably be put on display here (take a peek to see what pieces of art come to life). The ones I'm posting here were made yesterday (this time without caps) and are intended for my aunt who kindly offered help in collecting empty bottles.
15 februar 2009
Danes sem poleg letošnjega prvega družinskega kolesarskega izleta, lagodnega nedeljskega lenarjenja in nekoliko dela imela tudi nekaj časa za igranje.
/ Beside our this year's first family cycling trip, some Sunday "dolce far niente" and some work, I also stole a couple of hours to play.
Od takrat, ko sem delala kljukice za sporočila za hčerine sošolce, so preostale kljukice ostale na mizi in me vabile... Nekaj poštempljanih z motivčki Penny Black in nekaj praznih. Poštempljane sem pobarvala (v bistvu sem preizkušala, kako se obnesejo različni flomastri).
/ From my last session of note pegs for my daughter's school friends, the remaining clothespegs were lying on my desk, so inviting... Some were stamped with little Penny Black motives and some empty ones. I coloured the stamped ones (actually, I wanted to see how different markers work).
Naslednjo rundo kljukic sem okrasila z mojimi vzorčastimi papirčki, gumbi in barvno rafijo. Na zadnji strani vsake kljukice je seveda ozek magneten trakec.
/ I embellished the next round of pegs with my patterned papers, buttons and coloured raffia. I put a narrow strip of magnet tape on the other side.
Preden sem pospravila štempiljke, sem jih nekaj odtisnila še na gladek svetleč papir, pobarvala s Tria in Sakura flomastri in nalepila na črne kvadratke velikosti 2,5 x 2,5 cm.
/ Before I put my stamps away, I stamped some on smooth shiny paper, coloured with Tria and Sakura markers and adhered to black squares of 2.5 x 2.5 cm.
Danes sem poleg letošnjega prvega družinskega kolesarskega izleta, lagodnega nedeljskega lenarjenja in nekoliko dela imela tudi nekaj časa za igranje.
/ Beside our this year's first family cycling trip, some Sunday "dolce far niente" and some work, I also stole a couple of hours to play.
Od takrat, ko sem delala kljukice za sporočila za hčerine sošolce, so preostale kljukice ostale na mizi in me vabile... Nekaj poštempljanih z motivčki Penny Black in nekaj praznih. Poštempljane sem pobarvala (v bistvu sem preizkušala, kako se obnesejo različni flomastri).
/ From my last session of note pegs for my daughter's school friends, the remaining clothespegs were lying on my desk, so inviting... Some were stamped with little Penny Black motives and some empty ones. I coloured the stamped ones (actually, I wanted to see how different markers work).
Naslednjo rundo kljukic sem okrasila z mojimi vzorčastimi papirčki, gumbi in barvno rafijo. Na zadnji strani vsake kljukice je seveda ozek magneten trakec.
/ I embellished the next round of pegs with my patterned papers, buttons and coloured raffia. I put a narrow strip of magnet tape on the other side.
Preden sem pospravila štempiljke, sem jih nekaj odtisnila še na gladek svetleč papir, pobarvala s Tria in Sakura flomastri in nalepila na črne kvadratke velikosti 2,5 x 2,5 cm.
/ Before I put my stamps away, I stamped some on smooth shiny paper, coloured with Tria and Sakura markers and adhered to black squares of 2.5 x 2.5 cm.
14 februar 2009
S tem lepotcem, napolnjenim s sivko in okrašenim z vijoličastim FIMO srčkom in trakcem, me je neizmerno razveselila Dodo. Čeprav mi ga je podarila na srečanju prejšnjo soboto, sem z objavo počakala do danes, ko je en tak srčkast dan.
Vonj po sivki, Oliver Dragojević iz zvočnikov in sončni žarki na mojem oknu - zaradi mene je lahko še tri mesece februar... :)
Dodo made me infinitely happy with this gorgeous heart filled with lavender and embellished with a purple FIMO heart and ribbon. Although she gave it to me at our meeting last Saturday, I decided to wait and post it today, on a such full-of-hearts day.
Scent of lavender, Oliver Dragojević from the loudspeakers and sun rays in my window - as far as I'm concerned, February can remain here for three more months... :)
11 februar 2009
Spet se igramo
Od Marne in Suzi sem bila "pofočkana" v igri, katere navodila so taka:
* na računalniku se postavite tja, kjer shranjujete slike
* odprite ŠESTO mapo
* in izberite ŠESTO sliko
* objavite sliko na blogu in malce razložite, kaj se je dogajalo takrat
* pofočkajte ŠEST ljudi in jim to sporočite na njihovem blogu
I was tagged by Marna and Suzi to continue the game with the following rules:
* on your disc, go to the folder where you keep your pictures
* open the SIXTH folder
* choose the SIXTH picture/photo
* post it on the blog and add a desciption, an explanation, a story
* tag SIX more people and let them know about it on their blogs
Moja slika:
/ My photo:
Zgodba pa je takšna:
/ And here's the story:
Na daljnjem jugu naše bivše domovine, v Črni Gori, na skrajnem severnem delu Skadarskega jezera, leži... ribnik Brbotalnik, bi rekel palček Smuk :)
... leži vasica Rijeka Crnojevića. Čisto po naključju smo jo našli na našem lanskem potepanju po Srbiji in Črni Gori, ko smo se iz Cetinja podali proti Jadranu. In smo naredili postanek, sprehod in nekaj fotk. In tu sem pila najboljšo kavo v življenju.
/ At the far south of our former home country, in Montenegro, at the northern side of the Skadarsko Lake, there is a tiny little village Rijeka Crnojevića. We found it last year, totally accidentally, during our trip to Serbia and Montenegro, when we were heading from Cetinje towards the Adriatic Sea. We made a short stop, took a walk and a few photos. And is this village, I had the best coffee ever.
Prijetno nalogo brskanja po fotkah in spominih pa dobijo naslednje:
/ I'm giving the pleasant duty of browsing through photos and memories to the following bloggers:
- Kaja
- Dodo
- Makla
- Suzy
- Kitty
- Nataša
* na računalniku se postavite tja, kjer shranjujete slike
* odprite ŠESTO mapo
* in izberite ŠESTO sliko
* objavite sliko na blogu in malce razložite, kaj se je dogajalo takrat
* pofočkajte ŠEST ljudi in jim to sporočite na njihovem blogu
I was tagged by Marna and Suzi to continue the game with the following rules:
* on your disc, go to the folder where you keep your pictures
* open the SIXTH folder
* choose the SIXTH picture/photo
* post it on the blog and add a desciption, an explanation, a story
* tag SIX more people and let them know about it on their blogs
Moja slika:
/ My photo:
Zgodba pa je takšna:
/ And here's the story:
Na daljnjem jugu naše bivše domovine, v Črni Gori, na skrajnem severnem delu Skadarskega jezera, leži... ribnik Brbotalnik, bi rekel palček Smuk :)
... leži vasica Rijeka Crnojevića. Čisto po naključju smo jo našli na našem lanskem potepanju po Srbiji in Črni Gori, ko smo se iz Cetinja podali proti Jadranu. In smo naredili postanek, sprehod in nekaj fotk. In tu sem pila najboljšo kavo v življenju.
/ At the far south of our former home country, in Montenegro, at the northern side of the Skadarsko Lake, there is a tiny little village Rijeka Crnojevića. We found it last year, totally accidentally, during our trip to Serbia and Montenegro, when we were heading from Cetinje towards the Adriatic Sea. We made a short stop, took a walk and a few photos. And is this village, I had the best coffee ever.
Prijetno nalogo brskanja po fotkah in spominih pa dobijo naslednje:
/ I'm giving the pleasant duty of browsing through photos and memories to the following bloggers:
- Kaja
- Dodo
- Makla
- Suzy
- Kitty
- Nataša
10 februar 2009
Za mojo malo deklico
sem za njen rojstni dan upoštevala njeno željo - ko sem jo pred dnevi vprašala, kaj si želi, je prez premišljevanja rekla: "Mačko."
I made her birthday wish come true - when I asked her the other day what she wanted for birthday, she immediately said: "A cat."
No, in danes je gospa Mica-Maca prišla.
So today Mrs Catty Cat came along.
In prinesla pokazat svoja dva mucka.
And brought her two little kittens.
Mačka je bila v prvotnem načrtu namenjena za mačji swap na srečanju Otoka zakladov, ki smo ga v soboto imele v Litiji. A se je izdelava nekoliko zavlekla in tudi druge do danes ne bi mogla narediti, ker sem si pač namislila pleteno mačko take velikosti, zato sem tokrat swap preskočila.
Originally, the can was intended for the cat swap at the meeting of the Treasure Island that took place in Litija last Saturday. But I knew I couldn't finish it by Saturday nor make another one by today, because I simply wanted to make a knitted cat of this size, so I chose not to participate in the swap this time.
Mačja mladička se lahko uporabita tudi kot prstni lutki.
The kittens can be used as finger puppets.
V šolo pa je tudi bilo treba nekaj nesti. In ker je kakršnakoli hrana v nasprotju s pravili in zaželeno prakso, sva pač domislili kljukice za sporočila.
We were also supposed to prepare something for school. And since any kind of food is actually against the rules and preferred practice, we thought of note pegs.
In ko je včeraj zvečer že zaspala, sem naredila tole:
And yesterday, after she went to sleep, I made these:
Vzela sem navadne lesene kljukice za perilo.
I took ordinary wooden cloth pegs.
Na eno stran (malo manj lepo) nalepila ozke trakce magnetnega traku,
I adhered narrow strips of magnet tape on one side (the one a bit less beautiful),
na drugo stran pa odtisnila metuljčke iz kompletov Penny Black prozornih štempiljk.
and stamped small butterflies from Penny Black transparent sets on the other.
Pobarvala sem jih z roza in svetlomodrim Sakura Souffle pisalom.
I coloured them with pink and light blue Sakura Souffle pens.
Učinek se mi je zdel precej podoben servietni tehniki, vendar si ne predstavljam, da bi izrezala vse tiste metuljčke - no, vsaj v enem večeru ne :)
The effect seemed pretty much like in the napkin technique, but I just cannot imagine myself cutting out all those little butterflies - well, at least not in one evening :)
In ker je sošolcev več kot deset, sem naredila dva kompleta.
And since there are more than ten children in the class, I made two sets.
sem za njen rojstni dan upoštevala njeno željo - ko sem jo pred dnevi vprašala, kaj si želi, je prez premišljevanja rekla: "Mačko."
I made her birthday wish come true - when I asked her the other day what she wanted for birthday, she immediately said: "A cat."
No, in danes je gospa Mica-Maca prišla.
So today Mrs Catty Cat came along.
In prinesla pokazat svoja dva mucka.
And brought her two little kittens.
Mačka je bila v prvotnem načrtu namenjena za mačji swap na srečanju Otoka zakladov, ki smo ga v soboto imele v Litiji. A se je izdelava nekoliko zavlekla in tudi druge do danes ne bi mogla narediti, ker sem si pač namislila pleteno mačko take velikosti, zato sem tokrat swap preskočila.
Originally, the can was intended for the cat swap at the meeting of the Treasure Island that took place in Litija last Saturday. But I knew I couldn't finish it by Saturday nor make another one by today, because I simply wanted to make a knitted cat of this size, so I chose not to participate in the swap this time.
Mačja mladička se lahko uporabita tudi kot prstni lutki.
The kittens can be used as finger puppets.
V šolo pa je tudi bilo treba nekaj nesti. In ker je kakršnakoli hrana v nasprotju s pravili in zaželeno prakso, sva pač domislili kljukice za sporočila.
We were also supposed to prepare something for school. And since any kind of food is actually against the rules and preferred practice, we thought of note pegs.
In ko je včeraj zvečer že zaspala, sem naredila tole:
And yesterday, after she went to sleep, I made these:
Vzela sem navadne lesene kljukice za perilo.
I took ordinary wooden cloth pegs.
Na eno stran (malo manj lepo) nalepila ozke trakce magnetnega traku,
I adhered narrow strips of magnet tape on one side (the one a bit less beautiful),
na drugo stran pa odtisnila metuljčke iz kompletov Penny Black prozornih štempiljk.
and stamped small butterflies from Penny Black transparent sets on the other.
Pobarvala sem jih z roza in svetlomodrim Sakura Souffle pisalom.
I coloured them with pink and light blue Sakura Souffle pens.
Učinek se mi je zdel precej podoben servietni tehniki, vendar si ne predstavljam, da bi izrezala vse tiste metuljčke - no, vsaj v enem večeru ne :)
The effect seemed pretty much like in the napkin technique, but I just cannot imagine myself cutting out all those little butterflies - well, at least not in one evening :)
In ker je sošolcev več kot deset, sem naredila dva kompleta.
And since there are more than ten children in the class, I made two sets.
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Objave (Atom)