FROM SQUARE TO RECTANGULARPred časom sem dobila dva luškana kompleta za izdelavo voščilnic. V vsakem kompletu osnove za 20 voščilnic, pet vzorčastih papirčkov in ohoho nalepkic. Vse lepo barvno usklajeno, strukturiran karton - bi rekli super, sploh ni treba kaj dosti delat...
/ Some time ago, I got two cute card kits. In every one of them, there are 20 card bases, five patterned papers and many many stickers. Everything in matching colours, textured cardboard - one would say, great, this won't take much effort...
Ampak ne. Dvakrat ne. Prvič zato, ker mi predpripravljene voščilnice predstavljajo neko rešitev, če je treba na hitro narediti veliko količino. Ni zame. In drugič zato, ker ne delam kvadratnih voščilnic. Ali okroglih, ali ovalnih. Ni zame. Sem se pač "zapekla" na eno pravokotno dimenzijo in še tisto delam striktno pokončen format (v mojih čisto začetnih objavah boste našli eno kvadratno in tri, štiri ležeče, potem pa več ne). Glede na to, da mi ni treba zaradi ekonomskih interesov slediti zahtevam glede oblike, si jemljem to pravico.
But no. No twice. First of all, I take pre-fabricated cards as a solution if a large quantity needs to be done in short time. Not for me. And second, I don't make square cards. Nor circle ones, nor oval ones. Not for me. I just "got stuck" on the rectangular shape, one precise dimension and portrait format (in some of my very first posts, you'll find one square card and three or four in landscape format, and that's it). I don't have to follow any requirements regarding shape due to economic reasons, so I'm taking this as my right to do so.
No, če se vrnem na kompletke - vzela sem nekaj osnov, jih odrezala na pravo širino, narezala kose različnih višin in poiskala moje kartonske osnove (kartoni iz Lidla) v ustreznih barvah. Pri rezanju širine mi je vsakič ostal trakec, ki je bil - glej ga, zlomka - malo širši od 2,5 cm. Seveda bodo to palčki-malčki, ko bom tako daleč (nekaj jih je že na sliki). Tudi ožje trakce sem shranila.
Well, back to card kits - I took some bases, cut them to the right width, I cut pieces of various heights and took my cardboard bases (cardboard from Lidl) in matching colours. When I was cutting them to the right width, I was left with stripes which - well, well - were a bit wider than 2.5 cm. Of course I'll turn them into inchies when I get that far (some of them are already in the photo). And I saved the narrower strips as well.
Nato sem vzela obojestranski selotejp, odrezala trak, ki je malo krajši od višine osnove, ga dala na osnovo z lepljivo stranjo navzgor in nanj pozicionirala kose, ki naj bi šli na posamezno voščilnico - nisem jih lepila neposredno na voščilnico, ker bom mogoče (sigurno) dodajala še razcepke, trakce, šive...
Then I took the double-sided adhesive tape, cut off a strip which was a bit shorter than the height of the base, put in on the base with the adhesive side up and positioned the pieces that were supposed to go on a card - I didn't want to adhere them directly onto the base because I'll maybe (definitely) want to add brads, ribbons, stitches...

In zdaj imam kar nekaj predpripravljenih podlag, ki čakajo na pobarvane sličice, odtisnjene motivčke, napise in okraske. Seveda bom pokazala sestavljene.
And now I've got my own pre-fabricated bases waiting for coloured images, stamped little motives, words and embellishments. Of course I'll show them once they are assembled.

Ja, pa še to. Kar nekaj enobarvnih kartončkov je zaenkrat še ušlo giljotini :) Ker niso potiskani enostransko, ampak lepo barvni na obeh straneh, so jim bolj usojene kakšne škatlaste in zvezdaste eksplozije...
Oh, one more thing. Quite a few cardboards managed to escape the paper cutter :) And since they are coloured on both sides and not just printed on one side, they'll be destined for some box and star explosions...mravljica