Članice foruma Otok Zakladov so od leta 2006 aktivne udeleženke akcije Stekleničke upanja. V prejšnjem tednu smo imeli delavnico tudi v Velenju in seveda sem se je udeležila. In seveda me je FIMO spet čisto začaral - tako kot vsakič, ko ga po dolgem času vzamem iz škatle. Ampak tokrat je bil poleg vseh dosedanjih orodij zraven tudi valjček za testenine. Seveda sem takoj mobilizirala domačega in zdaj sem čisto obsedena od tehnike mešanja barv, ki se imenuje "tehnika skinner blend" in daje popolnoma nove dimenzije millefiori tehniki, ker je valjanje enakomerno debelih (tankih) plasti zdaj "mala mal'ca". Stekleničke, ki sem jih naredila na delavnici, bodo verjetno razstavljene tukaj (pokukajte malo, kakšne umetnine nastajajo), objavljam pa včerajšnje domače igrarije (tokrat še brez pokrovčkov), ki so danes odpotovale k moji teti, ki je prijazno ponudila pomoč pri zbiranju praznih stekleničk.
Members of the forum "Treasure Island" have been participating actively in the action "Bottles of Hope" since 2006. Last week, one of the workshops was organised in Velenje as well, and of course I took part. And of course I was enchanted by Fimo again - as always when I take it from the box after a long time. But this time, in addition to all other tools, we also has a pasta machine. And of course I "mobilised" the one we had at home and now I'm totally obsessed with the skinner blend technique which gives the millefiori technique an entirely new dimension, since making evenly thick (thin) layers is a piece of cake now. The bottles I made in the workshop will probably be put on display here (take a peek to see what pieces of art come to life). The ones I'm posting here were made yesterday (this time without caps) and are intended for my aunt who kindly offered help in collecting empty bottles.