* na računalniku se postavite tja, kjer shranjujete slike
* odprite ŠESTO mapo
* in izberite ŠESTO sliko
* objavite sliko na blogu in malce razložite, kaj se je dogajalo takrat
* pofočkajte ŠEST ljudi in jim to sporočite na njihovem blogu
I was tagged by Marna and Suzi to continue the game with the following rules:
* on your disc, go to the folder where you keep your pictures
* open the SIXTH folder
* choose the SIXTH picture/photo
* post it on the blog and add a desciption, an explanation, a story
* tag SIX more people and let them know about it on their blogs
Moja slika:
/ My photo:
Zgodba pa je takšna:
/ And here's the story:
Na daljnjem jugu naše bivše domovine, v Črni Gori, na skrajnem severnem delu Skadarskega jezera, leži... ribnik Brbotalnik, bi rekel palček Smuk :)
... leži vasica Rijeka Crnojevića. Čisto po naključju smo jo našli na našem lanskem potepanju po Srbiji in Črni Gori, ko smo se iz Cetinja podali proti Jadranu. In smo naredili postanek, sprehod in nekaj fotk. In tu sem pila najboljšo kavo v življenju.
/ At the far south of our former home country, in Montenegro, at the northern side of the Skadarsko Lake, there is a tiny little village Rijeka Crnojevića. We found it last year, totally accidentally, during our trip to Serbia and Montenegro, when we were heading from Cetinje towards the Adriatic Sea. We made a short stop, took a walk and a few photos. And is this village, I had the best coffee ever.
Prijetno nalogo brskanja po fotkah in spominih pa dobijo naslednje:
/ I'm giving the pleasant duty of browsing through photos and memories to the following bloggers:
- Kaja
- Dodo
- Makla
- Suzy
- Kitty
- Nataša