"... nariši mi backa ... prosim prosim..." je rekel mali princ.
"... naredi mi ovčko ... prosim prosim..." je rekla Urša.
Pa sem malo poguglala, skombinirala videno, vzela fimo (bel in kožni), naredila glavo in obrazek, telo, ušeska in noge, potem pa sem si nastavila peti del Harryja Potterja in ko je bilo pol filma mimo, sem imela vse bele kroglice narejene in jih je bilo treba samo še namestiti.
Ovčko sem spekla, potem pa se je že tako mudilo na kavo, da sem jo še vročo odnesla s seboj in jo je pozneje pofotkala Urša. Še dobro, ker je njej fotka dosti bolj uspela kot bi meni :)
A če bi jih še delala? Seveda! Še posebej, če mi v ozadju teče katerokoli nadaljevanje HP... saj gledat mi jih več ni treba, ker sem jih že tolikokrat, ampak poslušat jih pa ne morem nehat - potem pa v vzgoji lastnih otrok apliciram čarovniške izreke in moj dragi Mravljinček reče, da spet recitiram svoje sure.
A če bi znala manjše tudi naredit? A moram odgovorit ali naj jih potem kar pokažem ;)
"... draw me a lamb ... please please..." said the Little Prince.
"... make a little sheep for me ... please please..." said Urša.
So I googled a bit, combined what I saw, took FIMO (white and flesh), made the head and the little face, the body, ears and legs, and then I played the fifth part of Harry Potter and in the middle of the film, all little white balls were finished so I just had to put them on.
I baked it and then I was in such a hurry for coffee that I took the hot sheep with me and didn't even get to take a photo of it. Lucky for me, because Urša did much better job taking the photo :)
Would I make some more? Of course! Especially if there was any of the HP sequels running in the background... not that I would have to watch it, because I've seen them so many times, but I just can't get enough of them speaking - and then I apply magic spells when raising my own children and my dear hubby always says, you're reciting your surah again.
Could I make smaller too? Do I need to answer or should I just show them when they're done ;)