29 maj 2009
"... nariši mi backa ... prosim prosim..." je rekel mali princ.
"... naredi mi ovčko ... prosim prosim..." je rekla Urša.
Pa sem malo poguglala, skombinirala videno, vzela fimo (bel in kožni), naredila glavo in obrazek, telo, ušeska in noge, potem pa sem si nastavila peti del Harryja Potterja in ko je bilo pol filma mimo, sem imela vse bele kroglice narejene in jih je bilo treba samo še namestiti.
Ovčko sem spekla, potem pa se je že tako mudilo na kavo, da sem jo še vročo odnesla s seboj in jo je pozneje pofotkala Urša. Še dobro, ker je njej fotka dosti bolj uspela kot bi meni :)
A če bi jih še delala? Seveda! Še posebej, če mi v ozadju teče katerokoli nadaljevanje HP... saj gledat mi jih več ni treba, ker sem jih že tolikokrat, ampak poslušat jih pa ne morem nehat - potem pa v vzgoji lastnih otrok apliciram čarovniške izreke in moj dragi Mravljinček reče, da spet recitiram svoje sure.
A če bi znala manjše tudi naredit? A moram odgovorit ali naj jih potem kar pokažem ;)
"... draw me a lamb ... please please..." said the Little Prince.
"... make a little sheep for me ... please please..." said Urša.
So I googled a bit, combined what I saw, took FIMO (white and flesh), made the head and the little face, the body, ears and legs, and then I played the fifth part of Harry Potter and in the middle of the film, all little white balls were finished so I just had to put them on.
I baked it and then I was in such a hurry for coffee that I took the hot sheep with me and didn't even get to take a photo of it. Lucky for me, because Urša did much better job taking the photo :)
Would I make some more? Of course! Especially if there was any of the HP sequels running in the background... not that I would have to watch it, because I've seen them so many times, but I just can't get enough of them speaking - and then I apply magic spells when raising my own children and my dear hubby always says, you're reciting your surah again.
Could I make smaller too? Do I need to answer or should I just show them when they're done ;)
19 maj 2009
Naslov je italijanska beseda za "leteti".
Tako se namreč počuti človek, ko odda 100+ strani prevoda.
In potem si najprej za relaksacijo vzame en dan in pospravi vse, preko česa je prej nekaj časa samo stopal(a), in počisti, kar se je trudil(a) ne gledat.
Potem se (še po inerciji) vsede k računalniku in miška kar sama klika... samo da so linki drugi in se mimogrede pride na FIMO strani (kriza, kaj vse znajo ljudje iz tega ustvarit!!!).
Potem se spomni, da je v soboto spet srečanje Otoka zakladov in da je treba pripravit darilca za organizatorke in voščilnico za swap (ki ga, mimogrede, organiziram jaz - sliko pa, kot vedno, lahko pokažem v nedeljo).
In do takrat, ko je voščilnica narejena, se v vrsti že prerivajo novi prevodi, ampak za uro ali dve še zmagajo perlice.
Iz škatle, na kateri piše "Za predelat", sem izbrskala eno prekratko ogrlico s steklenimi kamenčki, jo razdrla in kamenčke (s perlicami vmes) prenizala na memory žico.
V škatli so bile tudi rožice in listki, ki sem jih nekoč po precej neumno nizki ceni kupila na neki obmorski stojnici v obliki mini zapestnic za mini turistke. Vmes sem dodala bele perlice, pa je nastala ogrlica, ki bo za na plažo ali večerni sprehod čisto OK.
Drugo polovico zvitka memory žice sem spremenila v še eno poletno zapestnico.
Ja, saj vem, spet sem sedela, namesto da bi šla ven, na sonce in zrak, na sprehod. Ampak duša je pa letela...
It is the Italian word for "to fly".
Namely, this is how it feels when you finish 100+ pages of translation.
And then, first of all, you take one day to relax, i.e. to put away everything that you had been just stepping over for quite some time and to clean what you had been trying not to look at.
And then you (still in the working mode) sit down to the computer and the mouse keeps on clicking for itself... but the links are in a different bookmark folder and you and up on websites about FIMO (oh my word, the things people can create using it!!!).
And then you remember that the next meeting of the Treasure Island is on Saturday and you have to prepare presents for the hosts and a card for the swap (which, by the way, I'm organising and I can show you the photo if the card on Sunday, as always).
And by the time the card is ready, there are new translations waiting eagerly, but for an hour or two, the beads win.
I took my box with the label "To be remodelled" and I fished out a too short necklace with glass beads that was too short. I took it apart and strung the beads (together woth seed beads) to memory wire.
There were also some flowers and leaves in the box - I bought them once for some hillarious price at one of the stalls by the sea, in the form of mini bracelets for mini tourist girls. I added white seed beads and ended up with a necklace that will do just fine on the beach or an evening stroll.
I took the other half of the memory wire coil and made another summer bracelet.
Yeah, I know, I was sitting down again, instead of going out, getting some sun and fresh air, taking a walk. But the soul was flying...
10 maj 2009
Od zadnjega srečanja Otoka zakladov, ko so mi stvari postale kristalno jasne, je moja nova obsesija kvačkanje perlic. To sicer ne pomeni, da mi je uspelo že ne vem koliko narediti, ker enostavno ne utegnem (kot ne utegnem ustvarjati tudi česa drugega - saj je že cel teden od moje zadnje objave!), ampak izkoristim pa vsako prosto minutko, da nakvačkam vsaj centimeter ali nanizam deset ali dvajset centimetrov za naslednji "projekt".
Since our last meeting of the Treasure Island when the things became crystal clear, my new obsession has been bead crocheting. Well, it doesn't mean that I've managed to do a lot of it, because I simply don't have time (as I don't have time for any other crafting - it's been a whole week since my last post!), but I use every free minute to crochet at least one centimeter or string on ten or twenty centimeters for the new "project".
Naj pokažem, kaj imam:
/ Let me show you what I have:
Zaključena - v "mehiških" tonih (ta je bila moja čisto prva)
/ The finished one - in "Mexican" tones (my very first one)
Še malo, pa bo tudi tale sončna oranžna gotova
/ A few more and this summer orange necklace will be done too
Nanizane perlice - tiste vijolične in roza zadaj že čakajo na kvačko, za črne in rdeče bo pa treba najti še kakšno uro
/ Strung beads - the purple and pink ones in the back are already waiting for the crochet hook, and for the black and red ones, I'll have to find another hour
Da ne omenjam vseh pisanih lepotičk, ki so v svojih škatlicah in vrečkah na poti k meni in me bodo zaposlovale celo poletje...
/ Not to mention little beauties of all colours that are still travelling in their little boxes and bags to keep me busy all summer long...
Since our last meeting of the Treasure Island when the things became crystal clear, my new obsession has been bead crocheting. Well, it doesn't mean that I've managed to do a lot of it, because I simply don't have time (as I don't have time for any other crafting - it's been a whole week since my last post!), but I use every free minute to crochet at least one centimeter or string on ten or twenty centimeters for the new "project".
Naj pokažem, kaj imam:
/ Let me show you what I have:
Zaključena - v "mehiških" tonih (ta je bila moja čisto prva)
/ The finished one - in "Mexican" tones (my very first one)
Še malo, pa bo tudi tale sončna oranžna gotova
/ A few more and this summer orange necklace will be done too
Nanizane perlice - tiste vijolične in roza zadaj že čakajo na kvačko, za črne in rdeče bo pa treba najti še kakšno uro
/ Strung beads - the purple and pink ones in the back are already waiting for the crochet hook, and for the black and red ones, I'll have to find another hour
Da ne omenjam vseh pisanih lepotičk, ki so v svojih škatlicah in vrečkah na poti k meni in me bodo zaposlovale celo poletje...
/ Not to mention little beauties of all colours that are still travelling in their little boxes and bags to keep me busy all summer long...
03 maj 2009
iz najstniških eskapad...
from teenager's escapades...
Sem rekla, da bo tale objava spet ustvarjalna - v duhu tega mojega b(r)loga.
/ I promised that this post will go back to creative - in the spirit of this blog of mine.
V zadnjih dneh se kakšnih večjih ustvarjalnih projektov nisem lotevala (ves čas po delčkih poteka nizanje perlic in kvačkanje verižic), tu in tam pa sem uspela v pol ure ali malo več kaj narediti, preizkusiti, uresničiti kakšno zamisel.
/ I haven't been starting any larger crafting projects lately (stringing seed beads and crocheting necklaces is an ongoing, bit-by-bit process), but here and there, I spent half an hour or so to make something, try things out, bring some ideas to life.
Pokažem kar vse po vrsti - da se malo odkupim tistim, ki so se zgražali nad tem, da sem zapravljala čas s sanjarjenji, namesto da bi ustvarjala :)
/I'll show you all of them - to make it up to all of you who were appalled by me spending my time daydreaming instead of crafting :)
Izdelavo rožic iz trakov s stransko žičko sem že pokazala. Tukaj sem eno pritrdila na malo večjo sponko za papir - za majhno knjižno kazalo ali okrasek.
/I've already shown you how to make flowers using ribbons with wire. Here I attached one of them to a little larger paper clip - for a little bookmark or decoration.
S teh štirih plastičnih škatlic od zdravil nikakor nisem mogla odstraniti nalepk, pa sem jih prelepila z vzorčastim papirjem in zdaj imam v njih shranjene obročke za knjige, obročke za ključe, velike sponke in kovinske okraske.
/ I just couldn't remove the labels from these four plastic boxes for medications, so I wrapped them in patterned paper and now I keep my book rings, key rings, large paper clips and metal embellishments in them.
A niso luškane? Za celo polico bi jih imela...
/ Aren't they cute? I could cover an entire shelf with them...
Nekaj perlic se je preselilo na memory žico in nastala je vesela poletna zapestnica.
/ Some beads moved to the memory wire to make a merry summer bracelet.
In nobenega razloga ni, da bi morala motive na skrčljivo folijo odtisniti, kajne? Folijo sem položila na odtis (tale Tilda je ena od mojih najljubših), pa sem najprej poskusila celo sliko prerisati s svinčnikom in pobarvati, pa ni bilo v redu. Zato sem v drugem poskusu črte narisala s temnejšimi odtenki in pobarvala s svetlimi.
/ And there is no reason why the motives should be stamped on the shrink plastic, right? I put the plastic sheet on the stamped motive (this one is one of my favourite Tildas), and I tried to trace the entire motive withe pencil and colour it in, but it didn't work out right. So I tried again, used darker shades to draw the lines and coloured everything with slightly lighter colours.
Pa še cvetlična korita za eno hiško v Celju. Urška, a bodo v redu?
/ And some flower pots for a little house in Celje. Urška, will they do?
from teenager's escapades...
Sem rekla, da bo tale objava spet ustvarjalna - v duhu tega mojega b(r)loga.
/ I promised that this post will go back to creative - in the spirit of this blog of mine.
V zadnjih dneh se kakšnih večjih ustvarjalnih projektov nisem lotevala (ves čas po delčkih poteka nizanje perlic in kvačkanje verižic), tu in tam pa sem uspela v pol ure ali malo več kaj narediti, preizkusiti, uresničiti kakšno zamisel.
/ I haven't been starting any larger crafting projects lately (stringing seed beads and crocheting necklaces is an ongoing, bit-by-bit process), but here and there, I spent half an hour or so to make something, try things out, bring some ideas to life.
Pokažem kar vse po vrsti - da se malo odkupim tistim, ki so se zgražali nad tem, da sem zapravljala čas s sanjarjenji, namesto da bi ustvarjala :)
/I'll show you all of them - to make it up to all of you who were appalled by me spending my time daydreaming instead of crafting :)
Izdelavo rožic iz trakov s stransko žičko sem že pokazala. Tukaj sem eno pritrdila na malo večjo sponko za papir - za majhno knjižno kazalo ali okrasek.
/I've already shown you how to make flowers using ribbons with wire. Here I attached one of them to a little larger paper clip - for a little bookmark or decoration.
S teh štirih plastičnih škatlic od zdravil nikakor nisem mogla odstraniti nalepk, pa sem jih prelepila z vzorčastim papirjem in zdaj imam v njih shranjene obročke za knjige, obročke za ključe, velike sponke in kovinske okraske.
/ I just couldn't remove the labels from these four plastic boxes for medications, so I wrapped them in patterned paper and now I keep my book rings, key rings, large paper clips and metal embellishments in them.
A niso luškane? Za celo polico bi jih imela...
/ Aren't they cute? I could cover an entire shelf with them...
Nekaj perlic se je preselilo na memory žico in nastala je vesela poletna zapestnica.
/ Some beads moved to the memory wire to make a merry summer bracelet.
In nobenega razloga ni, da bi morala motive na skrčljivo folijo odtisniti, kajne? Folijo sem položila na odtis (tale Tilda je ena od mojih najljubših), pa sem najprej poskusila celo sliko prerisati s svinčnikom in pobarvati, pa ni bilo v redu. Zato sem v drugem poskusu črte narisala s temnejšimi odtenki in pobarvala s svetlimi.
/ And there is no reason why the motives should be stamped on the shrink plastic, right? I put the plastic sheet on the stamped motive (this one is one of my favourite Tildas), and I tried to trace the entire motive withe pencil and colour it in, but it didn't work out right. So I tried again, used darker shades to draw the lines and coloured everything with slightly lighter colours.
Pa še cvetlična korita za eno hiško v Celju. Urška, a bodo v redu?
/ And some flower pots for a little house in Celje. Urška, will they do?
01 maj 2009
Opozorilo: vsi, ki ne prenesete pogleda na filmske igralce, predvsem tiste, ki jih običajno doletijo glavne vloge in (še) ne igrajo ostarelih kogarkoli, prosim počakajte na naslednjo objavo, za katero svečano obljubljam, da bo spet nehormonska in bolj ustvarjalna.
Bili ste opozorjeni.
Torej, kandidati za vrtnarja za moj park iz prejšnje objave in citat iz predprejšnje: "Še sreča, da vsi tile fantje sodijo v predalček ene od umetnosti, da mi ni treba ravno delati scrapbook strani za vsakega, da bodo šli v tale moj kotiček (čeprav, hmmm...).
Moj izbor v zaporedju od 10 do 1. Maja je modro predlagala, da vrtnar potrebuje pomočnika. Se popolnoma strinjam. Zaradi mene sta lahko tudi dva.
Warning: all of you who cannot bear to look at film actors, especially those who usually get the leading roles and don't (yet) play aged whoever, please wait for the next post for which I solemnly promise that it will be a non-hormone one and more creative again.
You have been warned.
So, the candidates for the gardener for my park from my previous post and the quote from one post earlier: It's my luck that all these guys fit into one if the arts so that I don't have to make scrapbook pages for each of them to match the theme of this little corner of mine (well, hmmm...).
My selection from number 10 to number 1. Maja wisely suggested that the gardener needs an assistant. I absolutely agree. As far as I'm concerned, there can even be two.
No, takole:
/ Here goes:
Kandidat št. 10 / Candidate No. 10
Rory Cochrane - ker bo vedno ugotovil, kdo mi je potacal spominčice
/ because he'll always find out who tred down my forget-me-nots
Kandidat št. 9 / Candidate No. 9
Jude Law - ker je dobro, da vrtnar zna tudi voziti taksi ali vesoljsko ladjo
/ because it's good if the gardener can also drive a taxi or fly a spaceship
Kandidat št. 8 / Candidate No. 8
John Simm - ko pride nazaj z Marsa ali pa iz leta 1979, kar bo pač bliže
/ when he gets back from Mars or the year 1973, whichever is closer
Kandidat št. 7 / Candidate No. 7
Stuart Townsend - ker je bil imeniten Adam… čakaj malo, pa kaj je zdaj s temi Britanci? A bo ta park v Angliji?
/ because he was a great Adam… wait a minute, what's with these Brits anyway? Is this park in England or what?
Kandidat št. 6 / Candidate No. 6
Mel Gibson - ker bo poleg vrtnarjenja kdaj še za partijo pokra, demonstracijo karateja in ker ve, kaj ženske ljubijo
/ because beside gardening, he'll be also useful for a game of poker and karate demostration, and because he knows what women want
Kandidat št. 5 / Candidate No. 5
Keanu Reaves - ker bo poleg vrtnarjenja park branil pred bombami in gospodom Smithom
/ because beside gardening, he'll protect the park from bombs and Mr. Smith
Kandidat št. 4 / Candidate No. 4
Heath Ledger - ker je znal biti vitez in kavboj in kazanova in šaljivec… in ker bo v tistem mojem prihodnjem življenju učakal častitljivo starost
/ because he knew how to be a knight and a cowboy and Casanova and Joker… and because in that future life of mine, he will have a long and prosperous life
Kandidat št. 3 / Candidate No. 3
Antonio Banderas - ker bo poleg vrtnarjenja park branil s pištolo in mečem (da ne govorim o naglasu...)
/ because beside gardening, he'll protect the park with gun and sword (not to mention his accent...)
Kandidat št. 2 / Candidate No. 2
Gael Garcia Bernal - ker zna biti prepričljiv v zelo različnih vlogah in bo verjetno tudi dober vrtnar
/ because he can be very convincing in various roles and will probably be a good gardener as well
Kandidat št. 1 / Candidate No. 1
Orlando Bloom - a moram sploh utemeljevat?
/ Do I need to give a reason at all?
p.s. In seveda ste vsi (vse) prisrčno vabljeni (vabljene).
p.s. And of course, you're all cordially invited.
Opozorilo: vsi, ki ne prenesete pogleda na filmske igralce, predvsem tiste, ki jih običajno doletijo glavne vloge in (še) ne igrajo ostarelih kogarkoli, prosim počakajte na naslednjo objavo, za katero svečano obljubljam, da bo spet nehormonska in bolj ustvarjalna.
Bili ste opozorjeni.
Torej, kandidati za vrtnarja za moj park iz prejšnje objave in citat iz predprejšnje: "Še sreča, da vsi tile fantje sodijo v predalček ene od umetnosti, da mi ni treba ravno delati scrapbook strani za vsakega, da bodo šli v tale moj kotiček (čeprav, hmmm...).
Moj izbor v zaporedju od 10 do 1. Maja je modro predlagala, da vrtnar potrebuje pomočnika. Se popolnoma strinjam. Zaradi mene sta lahko tudi dva.
Warning: all of you who cannot bear to look at film actors, especially those who usually get the leading roles and don't (yet) play aged whoever, please wait for the next post for which I solemnly promise that it will be a non-hormone one and more creative again.
You have been warned.
So, the candidates for the gardener for my park from my previous post and the quote from one post earlier: It's my luck that all these guys fit into one if the arts so that I don't have to make scrapbook pages for each of them to match the theme of this little corner of mine (well, hmmm...).
My selection from number 10 to number 1. Maja wisely suggested that the gardener needs an assistant. I absolutely agree. As far as I'm concerned, there can even be two.
No, takole:
/ Here goes:
Kandidat št. 10 / Candidate No. 10
Rory Cochrane - ker bo vedno ugotovil, kdo mi je potacal spominčice
/ because he'll always find out who tred down my forget-me-nots
Kandidat št. 9 / Candidate No. 9
Jude Law - ker je dobro, da vrtnar zna tudi voziti taksi ali vesoljsko ladjo
/ because it's good if the gardener can also drive a taxi or fly a spaceship
Kandidat št. 8 / Candidate No. 8
John Simm - ko pride nazaj z Marsa ali pa iz leta 1979, kar bo pač bliže
/ when he gets back from Mars or the year 1973, whichever is closer
Kandidat št. 7 / Candidate No. 7
Stuart Townsend - ker je bil imeniten Adam… čakaj malo, pa kaj je zdaj s temi Britanci? A bo ta park v Angliji?
/ because he was a great Adam… wait a minute, what's with these Brits anyway? Is this park in England or what?
Kandidat št. 6 / Candidate No. 6
Mel Gibson - ker bo poleg vrtnarjenja kdaj še za partijo pokra, demonstracijo karateja in ker ve, kaj ženske ljubijo
/ because beside gardening, he'll be also useful for a game of poker and karate demostration, and because he knows what women want
Kandidat št. 5 / Candidate No. 5
Keanu Reaves - ker bo poleg vrtnarjenja park branil pred bombami in gospodom Smithom
/ because beside gardening, he'll protect the park from bombs and Mr. Smith
Kandidat št. 4 / Candidate No. 4
Heath Ledger - ker je znal biti vitez in kavboj in kazanova in šaljivec… in ker bo v tistem mojem prihodnjem življenju učakal častitljivo starost
/ because he knew how to be a knight and a cowboy and Casanova and Joker… and because in that future life of mine, he will have a long and prosperous life
Kandidat št. 3 / Candidate No. 3
Antonio Banderas - ker bo poleg vrtnarjenja park branil s pištolo in mečem (da ne govorim o naglasu...)
/ because beside gardening, he'll protect the park with gun and sword (not to mention his accent...)
Kandidat št. 2 / Candidate No. 2
Gael Garcia Bernal - ker zna biti prepričljiv v zelo različnih vlogah in bo verjetno tudi dober vrtnar
/ because he can be very convincing in various roles and will probably be a good gardener as well
Kandidat št. 1 / Candidate No. 1
Orlando Bloom - a moram sploh utemeljevat?
/ Do I need to give a reason at all?
p.s. In seveda ste vsi (vse) prisrčno vabljeni (vabljene).
p.s. And of course, you're all cordially invited.
Ko bom v katerem od svojih prihodnjih življenj grofica, bom imela (poleg lepega vrtnarja):
When I am, in one of my future lives, a countess, I will have (beside a handsome gardener):
drevored iz akacij,
/ an alley of acacia,
labirint iz španskega bezga,
/ a labyrinth of lilacs,
gredice polne sivke
/ flowerbeds full of lavender
in travnike polne spominčic.
/ and meadows full of forget-me-nots.
1) Vse fotke so domačega izvora.
2) Kandidate za vrtnarja pokažem jutri :)
/ Notes:
1) All photos are home-made.
2) I'll show you the candidates for my gardener tomorrow :)
When I am, in one of my future lives, a countess, I will have (beside a handsome gardener):
drevored iz akacij,
/ an alley of acacia,
labirint iz španskega bezga,
/ a labyrinth of lilacs,
gredice polne sivke
/ flowerbeds full of lavender
in travnike polne spominčic.
/ and meadows full of forget-me-nots.
1) Vse fotke so domačega izvora.
2) Kandidate za vrtnarja pokažem jutri :)
/ Notes:
1) All photos are home-made.
2) I'll show you the candidates for my gardener tomorrow :)
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