from teenager's escapades...
Sem rekla, da bo tale objava spet ustvarjalna - v duhu tega mojega b(r)loga.
/ I promised that this post will go back to creative - in the spirit of this blog of mine.
V zadnjih dneh se kakšnih večjih ustvarjalnih projektov nisem lotevala (ves čas po delčkih poteka nizanje perlic in kvačkanje verižic), tu in tam pa sem uspela v pol ure ali malo več kaj narediti, preizkusiti, uresničiti kakšno zamisel.
/ I haven't been starting any larger crafting projects lately (stringing seed beads and crocheting necklaces is an ongoing, bit-by-bit process), but here and there, I spent half an hour or so to make something, try things out, bring some ideas to life.
Pokažem kar vse po vrsti - da se malo odkupim tistim, ki so se zgražali nad tem, da sem zapravljala čas s sanjarjenji, namesto da bi ustvarjala :)
/I'll show you all of them - to make it up to all of you who were appalled by me spending my time daydreaming instead of crafting :)
Izdelavo rožic iz trakov s stransko žičko sem že pokazala. Tukaj sem eno pritrdila na malo večjo sponko za papir - za majhno knjižno kazalo ali okrasek.
/I've already shown you how to make flowers using ribbons with wire. Here I attached one of them to a little larger paper clip - for a little bookmark or decoration.
S teh štirih plastičnih škatlic od zdravil nikakor nisem mogla odstraniti nalepk, pa sem jih prelepila z vzorčastim papirjem in zdaj imam v njih shranjene obročke za knjige, obročke za ključe, velike sponke in kovinske okraske.
/ I just couldn't remove the labels from these four plastic boxes for medications, so I wrapped them in patterned paper and now I keep my book rings, key rings, large paper clips and metal embellishments in them.
A niso luškane? Za celo polico bi jih imela...
/ Aren't they cute? I could cover an entire shelf with them...
Nekaj perlic se je preselilo na memory žico in nastala je vesela poletna zapestnica.
/ Some beads moved to the memory wire to make a merry summer bracelet.
In nobenega razloga ni, da bi morala motive na skrčljivo folijo odtisniti, kajne? Folijo sem položila na odtis (tale Tilda je ena od mojih najljubših), pa sem najprej poskusila celo sliko prerisati s svinčnikom in pobarvati, pa ni bilo v redu. Zato sem v drugem poskusu črte narisala s temnejšimi odtenki in pobarvala s svetlimi.
/ And there is no reason why the motives should be stamped on the shrink plastic, right? I put the plastic sheet on the stamped motive (this one is one of my favourite Tildas), and I tried to trace the entire motive withe pencil and colour it in, but it didn't work out right. So I tried again, used darker shades to draw the lines and coloured everything with slightly lighter colours.
Pa še cvetlična korita za eno hiško v Celju. Urška, a bodo v redu?
/ And some flower pots for a little house in Celje. Urška, will they do?