10 maj 2009


Od zadnjega srečanja Otoka zakladov, ko so mi stvari postale kristalno jasne, je moja nova obsesija kvačkanje perlic. To sicer ne pomeni, da mi je uspelo že ne vem koliko narediti, ker enostavno ne utegnem (kot ne utegnem ustvarjati tudi česa drugega - saj je že cel teden od moje zadnje objave!), ampak izkoristim pa vsako prosto minutko, da nakvačkam vsaj centimeter ali nanizam deset ali dvajset centimetrov za naslednji "projekt".


Since our last meeting of the Treasure Island when the things became crystal clear, my new obsession has been bead crocheting. Well, it doesn't mean that I've managed to do a lot of it, because I simply don't have time (as I don't have time for any other crafting - it's been a whole week since my last post!), but I use every free minute to crochet at least one centimeter or string on ten or twenty centimeters for the new "project".

Naj pokažem, kaj imam:
/ Let me show you what I have:

Zaključena - v "mehiških" tonih (ta je bila moja čisto prva)
/ The finished one - in "Mexican" tones (my very first one)

Še malo, pa bo tudi tale sončna oranžna gotova
/ A few more and this summer orange necklace will be done too

Nanizane perlice - tiste vijolične in roza zadaj že čakajo na kvačko, za črne in rdeče bo pa treba najti še kakšno uro
/ Strung beads - the purple and pink ones in the back are already waiting for the crochet hook, and for the black and red ones, I'll have to find another hour

Da ne omenjam vseh pisanih lepotičk, ki so v svojih škatlicah in vrečkah na poti k meni in me bodo zaposlovale celo poletje...
/ Not to mention little beauties of all colours that are still travelling in their little boxes and bags to keep me busy all summer long...
