Naslov je italijanska beseda za "leteti".
Tako se namreč počuti človek, ko odda 100+ strani prevoda.
In potem si najprej za relaksacijo vzame en dan in pospravi vse, preko česa je prej nekaj časa samo stopal(a), in počisti, kar se je trudil(a) ne gledat.
Potem se (še po inerciji) vsede k računalniku in miška kar sama klika... samo da so linki drugi in se mimogrede pride na FIMO strani (kriza, kaj vse znajo ljudje iz tega ustvarit!!!).
Potem se spomni, da je v soboto spet srečanje Otoka zakladov in da je treba pripravit darilca za organizatorke in voščilnico za swap (ki ga, mimogrede, organiziram jaz - sliko pa, kot vedno, lahko pokažem v nedeljo).
In do takrat, ko je voščilnica narejena, se v vrsti že prerivajo novi prevodi, ampak za uro ali dve še zmagajo perlice.
Iz škatle, na kateri piše "Za predelat", sem izbrskala eno prekratko ogrlico s steklenimi kamenčki, jo razdrla in kamenčke (s perlicami vmes) prenizala na memory žico.
V škatli so bile tudi rožice in listki, ki sem jih nekoč po precej neumno nizki ceni kupila na neki obmorski stojnici v obliki mini zapestnic za mini turistke. Vmes sem dodala bele perlice, pa je nastala ogrlica, ki bo za na plažo ali večerni sprehod čisto OK.
Drugo polovico zvitka memory žice sem spremenila v še eno poletno zapestnico.
Ja, saj vem, spet sem sedela, namesto da bi šla ven, na sonce in zrak, na sprehod. Ampak duša je pa letela...
It is the Italian word for "to fly".
Namely, this is how it feels when you finish 100+ pages of translation.
And then, first of all, you take one day to relax, i.e. to put away everything that you had been just stepping over for quite some time and to clean what you had been trying not to look at.
And then you (still in the working mode) sit down to the computer and the mouse keeps on clicking for itself... but the links are in a different bookmark folder and you and up on websites about FIMO (oh my word, the things people can create using it!!!).
And then you remember that the next meeting of the Treasure Island is on Saturday and you have to prepare presents for the hosts and a card for the swap (which, by the way, I'm organising and I can show you the photo if the card on Sunday, as always).
And by the time the card is ready, there are new translations waiting eagerly, but for an hour or two, the beads win.
I took my box with the label "To be remodelled" and I fished out a too short necklace with glass beads that was too short. I took it apart and strung the beads (together woth seed beads) to memory wire.
There were also some flowers and leaves in the box - I bought them once for some hillarious price at one of the stalls by the sea, in the form of mini bracelets for mini tourist girls. I added white seed beads and ended up with a necklace that will do just fine on the beach or an evening stroll.
I took the other half of the memory wire coil and made another summer bracelet.
Yeah, I know, I was sitting down again, instead of going out, getting some sun and fresh air, taking a walk. But the soul was flying...