Two weeks have gone by since my last post. I have no idea when. And in all steering among piles of work, family obligations and personal pleasant things (and the Olympics, yes), I've got quite a bunch of things related to this little corner of mine.
Torej, nisem vam še povedala,
/ So, I haven't told you yet
- da sem bila na februarskem srečanju Otoka zakladov, v zasneženih hribih v okolici Litije, da smo imele čudovit sončen dan in kot vedno prijetno srečanje. Na srečanje sem BojiMoji nesla ovčko za rojstni dan, organizatorkama Aliki in Lili pa grelčke. S srečanja pa sem prinesla modro, po sivki dišečo sovico od Doris in broško iz filca od Urške v enakih barvah.
- that I went to the February meeting of our Treasure Island, to snow-covered hills near Litija, that we had a wonderful sunny day and a nice meeting - as always. I made a little sheep for BojaMoja for her birthday and wristwarmers for Alika and Lili who organised the meeting. And I got a blue, lavender scented little owl from Doris and a felt brooch in matching colours from Urška.
- da smo na srečanju delale Stekleničke upanja in da sem naredila štiri (vse razen srednje so moje) - tokrat me je nekako vleklo v oranžno smer.
- that we were making Bottles of Hope at the meeting and I made four (all except the middle one are mine) - this time, it was all pretty much orange-ish.

- da sem medtem, ko sem se potepala, od Kitty dobila nagradico - Kitty, hvala še enkrat in oprosti, da jo objavljam šele sedaj. Podajanje naprej bom izvedla v eni od prihodnjih objav.
- that in the meantime, while I was away, I got an award from Kitty - Kitty, thank you again and forgive me for posting it so late. I'll pass it on in one of the upcoming posts.

- da sem prvič poskusila tudi tehniko transferja na fimo. Rezultat mi je všeč, predvsem zaradi sličice (Natasha Wescoat), površino pa sem namerno naredila nekoliko bolj hrapavo, da izgleda malo bolj "freskasto". Nekaj idej se je še postavilo v vrsto...
- that I've tried the transfer technique for the first time. I like the result, particulaly because of the image (by Natasha Wescoat), and I intentionally made the surface a little more coarse to give it a bit more "fresco-like" look. A few more ideas are already waiting for thier turn...
- da sem na kofetkanju naredila še en fimo obesek, doma pa dva prstana s spominsko žico. Nič posebnega, malo za "terapijo".
- that I made a fimo pendant during our coffee-time and two rings with memory wire at home. Nothing special, just as a little "therapy".
- da sem se končno spravila zraven in dala nekaj slik svojih izdelkov na Flickr.
- that I finally took some time and effort and put some photos of my creations on Flickr.

- in da me je pred tremi dnevi zelo razveselila tudi Kristina, ker sem bila izžrebana, da dobim njen bonbonček (ki je zaenkrat še skrivnost).
/ and that three days ago, I got fabulous news from Kristina that I've won her (misterious) blog candy.

Jutri je pa že marec!
/ And tomorrow it is already March!