Post-it blocks
Jana je članice našega kofetkarskega kokošnjaka za novo leto obdarila s post-it blokci v srčkanih oblekicah. / As New Year's gifts for the members of our coffee club, Jana prepared post-it blocks with cute covers.
Pa mi je ideja prišla zelo prav, ko sem razmišljala, kaj bi naredila, da bi imela nekaj malenkosti spet na zalogi za joj-a-maš-kaj-saj-ne-velikega-neko-malenkost-ja-pa-kar-takoj-bi-rabila.
Najbolj krasno od vsega je, da sem morala nabavit samo post-it kocke :)
/ I thought of her idea whe I was thinking what do to to have some small things in the stash, just in case (oh-have-you-got-anything-it-doesn't-have-to-be-big-something-small-yes-I-need-it-right-away.
And the greatest thing was that I only had to buy the post-it blocks :)
Trikrat Penny Black / Penny Black - three times
Dvakrat Sarah Kay / Sarah Kay - twice
Nekaj rožastih in metuljčkastih / Some flowers and butterflies
In nekaj porabljenih "vintage" zalog / And some things from my "vintage" stash
24 marec 2010
18 marec 2010
Zadnja beseda prejšnje objave
Ostanki. Pisani kot najbolj vesele sanje. / Scraps. Colourful like the most joyful dreams.
Osem kvadratov - od vsake od mojih prvih osmih kačic po eden - sem si prihranila in sestavila zase, za spomin. / I saved eight squares - one from each one of my first eight extruded "snakes" - and made a necklace for myself, to keep.
Ostali koščki so šli za še eno rundo Stekleničk upanja, ki drug teden potujejo z menoj na srečanje Otoka zakladov. / The rest of the little pieces were used for another round of Bottles of hope that I'll be taking to the Treasure Island meeting next week.
Pa še nekaj obeskov za ključe. / And some key rings.
Ostanki porabljeni, naslednjič grem spet od začetka. / Scraps have been used up, next time I'm starting from the beginning.
Ostanki. Pisani kot najbolj vesele sanje. / Scraps. Colourful like the most joyful dreams.
Osem kvadratov - od vsake od mojih prvih osmih kačic po eden - sem si prihranila in sestavila zase, za spomin. / I saved eight squares - one from each one of my first eight extruded "snakes" - and made a necklace for myself, to keep.
Ostali koščki so šli za še eno rundo Stekleničk upanja, ki drug teden potujejo z menoj na srečanje Otoka zakladov. / The rest of the little pieces were used for another round of Bottles of hope that I'll be taking to the Treasure Island meeting next week.
Pa še nekaj obeskov za ključe. / And some key rings.
Ostanki porabljeni, naslednjič grem spet od začetka. / Scraps have been used up, next time I'm starting from the beginning.
15 marec 2010
Zdaj sem si pa dala duška
No, saj je že skoraj teden dni od tega, ampak občutek je pa še vedno krasen. Dolgo dolgo sem se spravljala k ekstruderju in kolobarčkastim kačicam, pa sem vedela, da se pri eni ne bom ustavila. Zato sem počakala na res pravi trenutek - no, ta trenutek je trajal skoraj štiri dni :) In sem si razvaljala pol mize fimo plahtic, potem pa... gremo!
A če sem imela dovolj? A res moram odgovorit?
(Šele prav sem se zagnala in idej je tudi vedno več...)
Od leve proti desni, od zgoraj navzdol (malo za hec):
1. za mornarje
2. za mornarke
3. za vojake
4. za vojakinje
5. za navdušence nad Brazilijo in Jamajko
6. za brinete
7. za barbike
8. za ljubitelje narave
9. za mene :)
10. za črne in bele
11. za tiste, ki jim leži rjavo-roza kombinacija
12. za dopolnit 3x4 kolaž
Nekaj sem jih že sestavila, zdaj se grem pa še igrat z ostanki.
Well, it's been almost a week since then, but it still feels great. I was getting ready to use my extruder and make these cuties for a long long time, but I knew that I wouldn't stop at the first one. So I waited for the right moment - which lasted for almost four days, actually :) And I rolled out enough fimo to cover half the table, and then... here we go!
Have I had enough? Do I really have to answer?
(I just got me started and the ideas keep on popping up...)
From left to right, from the top (just for fun):
1. for sailors
2. for female sailors
3. for GI Joes
4. for GI Janes
5. for admirers of Brazil and Jamaica
6. for brunettes
7. for barbie dolls
8. for nature lovers
9. for me :)
10. for black and white
11. for those who like brown and pink together
12. to complete a 3x4 collage
I've already put some of them together to make necklaces, and now I'm off to play with the scraps.
14 marec 2010
Že iz prejšnje objave se da sklepati, da je bil pri nas v preteklih dneh čas za fimo. Poleg Stekleničk upanja, transferjev in obeskov za verižice je nastalo tudi pet ovčk, ki pa so tokrat malo drugačne. Namreč, ko me je mravljinček prejšnjič videl, kako delam majhne bele kroglice za ovčko, je predlagal, da bi jih nadomestila s stiropornimi kroglicami: spekla bi osnovo (telo, glavo in noge), jo nato premazala z lepilom in nalepila kroglice. Ker sem - seveda - imela zalogo stiropornih kroglic doma (ni bilo treba "ribati" kakšne embalaže) in ker sem - seveda - imela v omari tudi posebno lepilo za stiropor, sva idejo preizkusila. Za prvič je rezultat kar fajn, nekaj malenkosti bomo še dodelali, pa bo. V primerjavi s prvima dvema so te ovčke nekoliko večje, nekoliko lažje in zaradi stiropora zelo prijetne na otip. Pa še kroglice so bolj pravilno okrogle :)
p.s.: Naj vas slike ne zavedejo - ovčk je zaenkrat pet. Ampak ko sem videla rezultat foto seanse, so mi bile slikice tako všeč, da sem se odločila za kolaž.
My previous post already gave a hint that it was fimo time in our house in the past few days. Beside Bottles of Hope, transfer images and pendants, five more sheep were made, but they are a bit different this time. Namely, when my dear hubby saw me making those little white balls of fimo for the first two sheep, he suggested making and baking a base (body, head and legs), putting some adhesive on it and covering it in styrofoam balls. And because I had - of course - a stash of styrofoam balls (so we didn't have to dismantle any styrofoam packaging) and because I had - of course - a special glue for styrofoam, we gave it a try. I'm quite pleased with the first result, there are just a few minor things to improve. Compared to the first two, these sheep are a bit larger, somewhat lighter and very pleasant to touch because of the styrofoam. And the little white balls have a more regular round shape :)
p.s.: Don't let the photos fool you - there are only five of sheep for now. But when I saw the results of the photoshooting, I liked the images so much that I decided to make a collage.
13 marec 2010
Moj piskrček
Pristavljen k letošnji akciji Stekleničke upanja. Poleg tistih, ki sem jih naredila na srečanju, sem predala še teh osem.
For this year's Bottles of Hope. Beside those I made at the meeting, I made and gave away these eight.
Še nekaj detajlov in pogled od zgoraj.
/ A few more details and a view from top.
Sama sebi držim pesti, da mi jih bo v kratkem uspelo narediti še nekaj.
/ I'm keeping my fingers crossed for myself and hoping that I'll manage to do a few more soon.
02 marec 2010
Polepšan dan
Danes sem prejela Kristinin paketek.
/ Today I received the parcel from Kristina.
Na koncu pisemca mi je napisala: "Upam, da ti bom polepšala dan". Kristina, pa si mi ga res. Že sam po sebi je bil v redu, ampak ko sem jemala stvari iz kuverte... Saj ne vem, nad čim sem bila (in sem še vedno) najbolj vzhičena:
/ At the end of her little note, she wrote: "I hope I'll make your day." Kristina, you really have. The day itself was quite OK, but when I started taking things from the envelope... I can't even say which one of them made me (and still keeps making me) the most ecstatic:
- nad podlago za miško s podobami Pariza / the mousepad with images of Paris
- ali nad bleščečimi žepki, ki v sebi skrivajo omamne vonjave / or glimmering little bags concealing flowery scents
- ali nad papirčki, ki kar vabijo h kombiniranju, ali nad krasnim rožastim knjižnim kazalom / or these papers that are already inviting me to sit down and combine them in some new creations, or the beautiful flowery bookmark
- ali pa nad dejstvom, da sem po novem imetnica čisto ta pravih "mlin nakitin" lepot. / or the fact that from today, I'm an owner of some genuine "mlin nakitin" pieces.
Kristina, hvala še enkrat!
/ Kristina, thank you again!
/ Today I received the parcel from Kristina.
Na koncu pisemca mi je napisala: "Upam, da ti bom polepšala dan". Kristina, pa si mi ga res. Že sam po sebi je bil v redu, ampak ko sem jemala stvari iz kuverte... Saj ne vem, nad čim sem bila (in sem še vedno) najbolj vzhičena:
/ At the end of her little note, she wrote: "I hope I'll make your day." Kristina, you really have. The day itself was quite OK, but when I started taking things from the envelope... I can't even say which one of them made me (and still keeps making me) the most ecstatic:
- nad podlago za miško s podobami Pariza / the mousepad with images of Paris
- ali nad bleščečimi žepki, ki v sebi skrivajo omamne vonjave / or glimmering little bags concealing flowery scents
- ali nad papirčki, ki kar vabijo h kombiniranju, ali nad krasnim rožastim knjižnim kazalom / or these papers that are already inviting me to sit down and combine them in some new creations, or the beautiful flowery bookmark
- ali pa nad dejstvom, da sem po novem imetnica čisto ta pravih "mlin nakitin" lepot. / or the fact that from today, I'm an owner of some genuine "mlin nakitin" pieces.
Kristina, hvala še enkrat!
/ Kristina, thank you again!
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