No, saj je že skoraj teden dni od tega, ampak občutek je pa še vedno krasen. Dolgo dolgo sem se spravljala k ekstruderju in kolobarčkastim kačicam, pa sem vedela, da se pri eni ne bom ustavila. Zato sem počakala na res pravi trenutek - no, ta trenutek je trajal skoraj štiri dni :) In sem si razvaljala pol mize fimo plahtic, potem pa... gremo!
A če sem imela dovolj? A res moram odgovorit?
(Šele prav sem se zagnala in idej je tudi vedno več...)
Od leve proti desni, od zgoraj navzdol (malo za hec):
1. za mornarje
2. za mornarke
3. za vojake
4. za vojakinje
5. za navdušence nad Brazilijo in Jamajko
6. za brinete
7. za barbike
8. za ljubitelje narave
9. za mene :)
10. za črne in bele
11. za tiste, ki jim leži rjavo-roza kombinacija
12. za dopolnit 3x4 kolaž
Nekaj sem jih že sestavila, zdaj se grem pa še igrat z ostanki.
Well, it's been almost a week since then, but it still feels great. I was getting ready to use my extruder and make these cuties for a long long time, but I knew that I wouldn't stop at the first one. So I waited for the right moment - which lasted for almost four days, actually :) And I rolled out enough fimo to cover half the table, and then... here we go!
Have I had enough? Do I really have to answer?
(I just got me started and the ideas keep on popping up...)
From left to right, from the top (just for fun):
1. for sailors
2. for female sailors
3. for GI Joes
4. for GI Janes
5. for admirers of Brazil and Jamaica
6. for brunettes
7. for barbie dolls
8. for nature lovers
9. for me :)
10. for black and white
11. for those who like brown and pink together
12. to complete a 3x4 collage
I've already put some of them together to make necklaces, and now I'm off to play with the scraps.