Ostanki. Pisani kot najbolj vesele sanje. / Scraps. Colourful like the most joyful dreams.
Osem kvadratov - od vsake od mojih prvih osmih kačic po eden - sem si prihranila in sestavila zase, za spomin. / I saved eight squares - one from each one of my first eight extruded "snakes" - and made a necklace for myself, to keep.
Ostali koščki so šli za še eno rundo Stekleničk upanja, ki drug teden potujejo z menoj na srečanje Otoka zakladov. / The rest of the little pieces were used for another round of Bottles of hope that I'll be taking to the Treasure Island meeting next week.
Pa še nekaj obeskov za ključe. / And some key rings.
Ostanki porabljeni, naslednjič grem spet od začetka. / Scraps have been used up, next time I'm starting from the beginning.