/ Today I received the parcel from Kristina.
Na koncu pisemca mi je napisala: "Upam, da ti bom polepšala dan". Kristina, pa si mi ga res. Že sam po sebi je bil v redu, ampak ko sem jemala stvari iz kuverte... Saj ne vem, nad čim sem bila (in sem še vedno) najbolj vzhičena:
/ At the end of her little note, she wrote: "I hope I'll make your day." Kristina, you really have. The day itself was quite OK, but when I started taking things from the envelope... I can't even say which one of them made me (and still keeps making me) the most ecstatic:
- nad podlago za miško s podobami Pariza / the mousepad with images of Paris
- ali nad bleščečimi žepki, ki v sebi skrivajo omamne vonjave / or glimmering little bags concealing flowery scents
- ali nad papirčki, ki kar vabijo h kombiniranju, ali nad krasnim rožastim knjižnim kazalom / or these papers that are already inviting me to sit down and combine them in some new creations, or the beautiful flowery bookmark
- ali pa nad dejstvom, da sem po novem imetnica čisto ta pravih "mlin nakitin" lepot. / or the fact that from today, I'm an owner of some genuine "mlin nakitin" pieces.
Kristina, hvala še enkrat!
/ Kristina, thank you again!