Zadnje dni je na blogih kar nekaj razmišljanj in debat o Valentinovem, pa dodajam še jaz svoje misli:
- praznik kot takšen, v njegovem pravem bistvu, mi je blizu, ker sem pač romantik po duši
- kar se tiče skomercializiranosti praznika (tega in še marsikaterega), se niti ne morem pripraviti do tega, da bi obsojala trgovce, slaščičarje, cvetličarje, ker v bistvu opravljajo svoje delo, le da je za ta dan v rdeči in roza barvi; bolj se nagibam k temu, da pomilujem tiste, ki nimajo ali nočejo imeti dovolj časa in domišljije in zaradi tega trgovce sploh potrebujejo
- kar se tiče ustvarjanja za Valentinovo, sem pred kratkim ugotovila, da sem že pred novim letom namerno nehala obiskovati tuje (predvsem čestitkarske in papirčkaste) bloge, ker še skoraj niso minili božični prazniki, na blogih pa je bilo že vse v srčkih... se mi je zdelo čisto pretiravanje!
- priznam pa, da sem skozi leta nabrala kar nekaj srčkastega materiala in da tudi mene zlahka zanese v prijetne rdeče-roza-srčkaste-objemčkaste-mehke-kiči vode :)
There has been quite some talking about St. Valentine's Day on the blogs over the past few days, so I thought I'd add my thoughts as well:
- I can relate to the holiday as it is, in its essence, since I am romantic by nature
- as far as the commercial aspect of the holiday (this one and many others) is concerned, I simply cannot bring myself to condemn the salesmen, the confectioners, the florists, because they are actually doing their usual job, only painted in red and pink on this particular day; I much more pity those who don't have or refuse to have enough time and imagination and therefore need the salesmen in the first place
- as regards crafting for the St. Valentine's Day, I recently noticed that I had intentionally stopped visiting foreign (especially cardmaking and papercrafting) blogs even before the end of the year, as we were still in the middle of Christmas holidays and those blogs were already covered in hearts...I thought it was sheer exaggeration!
- however, I admit that over the years I managed to collect quite some heart-themed material and that I easily get carried away in a nice red-pink-hearty-huggy-soft-kitchy direction :)
Zato mi ni predstavljalo niti najmanjšega problema sestaviti paketka z uporabnimi papirčki, odtiski, štancki, okraski za valentinovo ustvarjanje razreda četrtošolcev. In seveda sem za zraven naredila še nekaj valentinčkastih darilc:
/ Therefore I had no trouble whatsoever to prepare a package of useful papers, stamped images, punched shapes and embellishments for a class of fourth graders to do some crafting for St. Valentine's Day. And of course I made a few little presents to go along:
Obeske iz skrčljive folije, kljukice-magnetke, mini kuvertice za mini sporočila in en mehek srček.
/ Shrink plastic hangers, clothespins-magnets, mini envelopes for mini messages and one puffy heart.

No, pa še nekaj oblečenih blokcev.
/ And well, a few post-it pads.

Moja želja po valentinčkastem ustvarjanju je bolj ali manj potešena, imam še nekaj idej za Klavdijin izziv, za 14. pa si bom (spet) izmislila kaj, kar bo sicer v duhu praznika, a vseeno malo drugače...
/ My urge for Valentine's crafting has been more or less satisfied, I've got some ideas for Klavdija's challenge, and on the 14th, I'll (again) come up with something in the spirit of the holiday, but still a bit different...