(Uf, še sreča...)
Letos bi pa mafine, take papirnate.
(O šment, mafine? Torej šestkotne škatlice, s šestkotnim zgornjim delom, s šestimi zaokroženimi krilci, da se bodo na vrhu zaprli skupaj? ... neeee)
Kaj pa če bi škatlice? Ali košarice?
Jaa, košarice.
Said my daughter. Mum, you don't have to make the cake this year.
(Oh, lucky me...)
I'd have muffins this year, made of paper, you know.
(Oh shoot, muffins? That is, six-sided boxes, with a six-sided lid, with six petal-like flaps to close at the top? ... nooo)
What about boxes? Or baskets?
Yees, baskets!
Pomladnih papirjev je kar nekaj na zalogi, origami škatlice, trakci čez, voilá. Sedemnajstkrat. Samo še napolniti sva jih morali s sladkarijami, pa so lahko šle v šolo :)
/ Spring papers in abundance, origami boxes, strips across, voilá. Seventeen of them. We just had to fill them with sweets, and they were ready to go to school :)