SEVEDA sem se javila, da bom naredila vabila za našo 20. obletnico. Edini problem je bil, da se mi je takrat, ko bi jih morala že imeti pripravljena za pošiljanje, nakopičilo še vse mogoče drugo delo.
Ampak... ker sem obljubila in predvsem, ker sem to res hotela narediti, sem pač žrtvovala par ur spanja, in v par korakih izvedla to mojo mini proizvodnjo:
/ OF COURSE I volunteered to make invitations for our 20th anniversary. The only problem was that when I was supposed to have them finished and ready to send out, all kinds of other stuff just kept piling up and waiting to be done.
But... since I promised and especially because I really wanted to do it, I sacrificed a few hours of sleep and did the entire thing in a few steps:
1. Rezanje in zgibanje. Ko sem zalepila, sem dobila osnove, neke vrste žepke. / Cutting and folding. When I glued the flaps together, I ended up with some kind of pockets.
2. Štempljanje in rezanje. / Stamping and cutting.
3. Rezanje. / Cutting.
4. In rezanje. / And cutting.
5. Sestavljanje - kartice z besedilom in kartončki. / Assembly - cards with text and tags.
6. Sestavljanje - sprednja stran žepkov. / Assembly - the front of the pockets.
7. Še "pasek" in napis - od spredaj in zadaj, kartice so že v žepkih. / The "belt" and a tag - front and back, with cards already in the pockets.
8. Pa še ena gasilska :) / A group photo
Zelo fajn mi jih je bilo delat. Zdaj so pa že pri prejemnikih. Odziv je že tudi bil. Moj zaključek: že res, da so bili podočnjaki za dve številki večji. Ego bo pa za štiri. No, pet :)
/ I really enjoyed making them. And they're with the recipients already. There's been some response already. And my conclusion: it's true that the circles under my eyes were two shades darker. But my ego is growing to be four sizes larger. Well, five :)