09 julij 2011

Za intermezzo: Prvič na Peco


Naš prvi pohod na Peco. Start iz doline Topla (930). V daljavi (tam na levi, tiste skale!) se vidi naš cilj (2125).
/ Our first hike to Peca. Starting from the valley Topla (930). There's our destination (2125) - far away (on the left, those rocks!).

Ja, tisto je cilj...
/ Yes, that's where we're going...

Nekaj ur pozneje - isti vrh, nekoliko bliže.
/ A few hours later - the same peak, just slightly closer.

Razgled z vrha.
/ A view from the top.

Kažipoti in napisi.
/ Signposts and signs.

On pa še vedno spi.
/ And he's still asleep.

Namesto izmučenih planincev raje pokažem rož'ce.
/ Instead of tired hikers, some photos of flowers.

In metuljčke.
/ And butterflies.

In ptičke.
/ And birds.

In borovce, zaradi katerih je zrak dišal kot na morju.
/ And pine trees, with the same scent as at the seaside.

In še moje tolažbe:
/ And my consolations:

Mini tolažba - na vrhu. Da sem videla moje male modre še v juliju.
/ A tiny consolation - at the top. To see my little blue ones in July.

Malo večja tolažba - v koči.
/ A bit better consolation - at the hut.

Največja tolažba - ob povratku domov. Lubenica, moja najljubša :)
/ The best consolation - upon the return. Watermelon, my favourite :)
