Takoj po šoli smo se odpravili na našo letošnjo pustolovščino - po BIH in Makedoniji. Trajanje potovanja: devet dni. Prevoženih kilometrov: 3547. Število držav, po katerih smo se vozili: šest (sedem). Število prehodov državnih meja: štirinajst. Število (konkretno) obiskanih mest: devet. Jajce, Travnik, Mostar, Sarajevo. Skopje, Veles, Kruševo, Prilep, Ohrid. Število narejenih fotk: 1652. Druga prevozna sredstva, s katerimi smo se vozili: tramvaj in kočija v Sarajevu, žičnica in mestni avtobus v Skopju, ladjica na ohridskem jezeru, star kombi in gumenjak na Tari. En rafting. En obisk džamije. En skok čez mejo v Albanijo. En obisk Kruševa (moje rojstnodnevno darilo). En dan preživet v družbi dragih ljudi. Ravno pravo vreme. Hrana in pijača: točno takšna, kot na njo pomisliš, ko pomisliš na ti dve državi :) Vtisi in spomini: vsega se sploh ne da povedat z besedami. Potovanje je bilo popoln uspeh! Le da je ostalo še toliko stvari, ki jih nismo utegnili videti...
/ As soon as the school ended, we set off to our this year's adventure - to visit BIH and Macedonia. Duration of the trip: nine days. Kilometers made: 3547. Number of countries we drove through: six (seven). Number of border crossings: fourteen. Number of (actually) visited places: nine. Jajce, Travnik, Mostar, Sarajevo. Skopje, Veles, Kruševo, Prilep, Ohrid. Number of photos taken: 1652. Other vehicles we took: a tram (streetcar) and a carriage in Sarajevo, a cable car and city bus in Skopje, a boat on Lake Ohrid, an old van and a rubber dinghy raft on the Tara river. One rafting. One visit to a mosque. One brief visit to Albania. One visit to Kruševo (my birthday present). One day spent with dear friends. The weather: just about right. Food and drink: just like one imagines when thinking about these two countries :) Impressions and memories: I just don't have the words to express it. The trip was a total success! And yet there are so many things left we didn't get to see...
Zdaj pa že slišim: "Kaj pa fotke? Pokaži nam fotke!" Saj bom. Ampak spet bodo takšne kot vedno tu pri meni. Ne tiste iz turističnih vodnikov. In ne tiste za v družinski album. Bolj take, ki sem jih videla z očmi ene ustvarjalke. Največ izdelki človeških, pridnih, spretnih, ustvarjalnih rok... Upam, da bodo tudi vam všeč.
/ And now I can already hear: "What about the photos? Show us the photos!" I will. But they'll be like those I usually post here. Not like those from tourist guides. And not those for the family album. Images seen through the eyes of a crafter. Showing the results of human, industrious, skilled, creative hands... I hope you're going to like them too.
Stavbe in drugi objekti. Posvetni in sakralni. Za različne namene in od različnih religij. Veliki in veličastni.
/ Buildings and other objects. Secular and sacral. For different purposes and by different religions. Large and majestic.
V eni od takih stavb - kaligrafski ornamenti.
/ In one of such buildings - calligraphic ornaments.
Kipi. Živali in ljudje. Resnični in namišljeni. V razvedrilo, okras, spomin.
/ Statues. Animals and people. Real persons and fictitious ones. For entertainment, decoration, as a reminder.
In trenutno največji in "najbolj vroč"...
/ And currently the largest and the "hottest"...
Kamen in steklo v Kruševu, prvič. Makedonium, spomenik ilindenski vstaji
/ Stone and glass in Kruševo, part one. Makedonium, Ilinden Memorial
Kamen in steklo v Kruševu, drugič. Hiša, ki je še mnogo mnogo let sploh ne bi smelo biti...
/ Stone and glass in Kruševo, part two. The house which shouldn't even exist for many many years...
Kamen. Na različnih krajih, na različne načine.
/ Stone. In different places, in different manners.
Kamen. Okrasje na sarajevskih zidovih.
/ Stone. Decorations on Sarajevo walls.
Sarajevski izveski
/ Sarajevo shop signs
O, nekaj znanega!
/ Oh, something familiar!
"Uporabne" umetnine :)
/ Consumable art :)
Majice - malo za hec
/ Funny T-shirts
Pa še spominki:
/ And some souvenirs:
Magnetki za našega zbiratelja
/ Magnets for our collector
Iz Sarajeva - taka za eno kavo
/ From Sarajevo - for one cup of coffee
Iz Sarajeva - taka za eno mravljico :)
/ From Sarajevo - for one little ant :)
Iz Kruševa - itak!
/ From Kruševo - well of course!
Za spomin na Ohrid
/ To remember Ohrid
Za spomin na Veles - Hvala še enkrat za vse, dragi moji!
/ To remember Veles - Thanks again for everything, my dear ones!
Pa še kupček materiala za scrapbook :) Že komaj čakam, da začnem...
/ And a bunch of materials for the scrapbook :) Can't wait to start making it...
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Fotk je še za nekaj objav, še nekaj tematskih sklopov. Pridite še kaj naokrog :)
/ There are still enough photos for some more posts, some more topics. You're welcome to come back and check it out :)
* Foto albumi / Photo albums:
Podobe s poti - voda
Podobe s poti - rastline
Podobe s poti - take živalske
Podobe s poti - napisi s puščicami
Podobe s poti - napisi brez puščic