Takšno brez besed, a vseeno razumljivo... :)
/ One without words, but nevertheless understandable... :)
Začelo se je z nekaj kavnimi zrni, ki sem jih hotela dati na zapestnico kot Tatyana.
/ It all started with a few coffee beans which I wanted to put on a bracelet, like Tatyana did.
Pa me je zelo hitro zaneslo v minimaliziranje...
/ But very soon I found myself making smaller ones...
Dodala sem še nekaj kock sladkorja - za tiste, ki pijejo kavo s sladkorjem.
/ I added a few sugar cubes - for those who prefer coffee with sugar.
Pa eno skodelico - poskušala sem ujeti celo malo "latte art".
Za žličko sem prosila Špelo. (Špeli, hvala!)
/ And a cup - I even attempted to show a hint of a "latte art".
I got the spoon from Špela. (Thanks, girl!)
Ampak nekaj je še manjkalo - za tisto najbolj pravo (vsaj zame)...
/ But something was still missing - for the best one of them all (at least for me)...
Potem sem kavo pospravila v stekleničko...
/ Then I put the coffee in a small bottle...
... in naredila še nekaj srčkov.
/ ... and made a few hearts.
Ti pa niso rabili dodatnega sladkorja :)
/ They didn't need any additional sugar :)
In ne rabijo dodatnih besed...
/ And they don't need any additional words...
12 avgust 2012
05 avgust 2012
Posrečeni ponesrečki
Začelo se je običajno - malo se mi je zahotelo polžkat, pa sem kar skupaj pobrala neke koščke, jih stlačila v ekstruder in "gremo"...
Dve napaki.
Prva napaka: moja neučakanost - posledično špagetki niso bili gladki, zato sem vse skupaj zgnetla skupaj in jih naredila še enkrat.
Druga napaka (ki je še potencirala končni rezultat prve): prevelik delež belega fima - kar je na koncu dalo precej neizrazite kontraste in že skoraj "blatne" barve.
/ It all started normally - I wanted to make some coils, and I just scooped up some pieces, stuffed them into the extruder and "here we go"...
Two mistakes.
First mistake: my impatience - resulting in spaghetti that were not smooth enough, so I took everything and extruded it one more time.
Second mistake (which even magnified the first one): too much white Fimo - which made all the colours pretty similar, non-contrasting, almost "muddy".
Moj rešitelj: brusni papir. Polžke sem vseeno zvila, hrapava površina pa jih je naredila zanimive, če že drugega ne.
/ My saviour: sanding paper. I made the coils nevertheless, and their coarse surface at least made them interesting.
Kamenčki bodo verjetno za obeske.
/ The "pebbles" will probably end up as pendants.
V ozadju dva prstana - čisto za test sem ju naredila, pa se že en teden kar dobro držita. Pokažem od bliže, ko naredim še kakšnega.
/ Two rings in the background - I made them solely as a test, but they've turned out quite all right and I've been wearing them for a week now. I'll show them when I make some more.
Pa še polžkasti, sploščeni, valoviti... nekaj :)
/ And coily, flattened, wavy... something :)
Zbiram predloge, kaj naj z njimi...
/ I'm open for suggestions on what to do with them...
Začelo se je običajno - malo se mi je zahotelo polžkat, pa sem kar skupaj pobrala neke koščke, jih stlačila v ekstruder in "gremo"...
Dve napaki.
Prva napaka: moja neučakanost - posledično špagetki niso bili gladki, zato sem vse skupaj zgnetla skupaj in jih naredila še enkrat.
Druga napaka (ki je še potencirala končni rezultat prve): prevelik delež belega fima - kar je na koncu dalo precej neizrazite kontraste in že skoraj "blatne" barve.
/ It all started normally - I wanted to make some coils, and I just scooped up some pieces, stuffed them into the extruder and "here we go"...
Two mistakes.
First mistake: my impatience - resulting in spaghetti that were not smooth enough, so I took everything and extruded it one more time.
Second mistake (which even magnified the first one): too much white Fimo - which made all the colours pretty similar, non-contrasting, almost "muddy".
Moj rešitelj: brusni papir. Polžke sem vseeno zvila, hrapava površina pa jih je naredila zanimive, če že drugega ne.
/ My saviour: sanding paper. I made the coils nevertheless, and their coarse surface at least made them interesting.
Kamenčki bodo verjetno za obeske.
/ The "pebbles" will probably end up as pendants.
V ozadju dva prstana - čisto za test sem ju naredila, pa se že en teden kar dobro držita. Pokažem od bliže, ko naredim še kakšnega.
/ Two rings in the background - I made them solely as a test, but they've turned out quite all right and I've been wearing them for a week now. I'll show them when I make some more.
Pa še polžkasti, sploščeni, valoviti... nekaj :)
/ And coily, flattened, wavy... something :)
Zbiram predloge, kaj naj z njimi...
/ I'm open for suggestions on what to do with them...
04 avgust 2012
03 avgust 2012
Ena za obletnico poroke
Po preizkušenem postopku - nobene nove znanosti.
Ampak je pa bil velik uspeh, da sem še našla dovolj velike kose papirjev, ki kolikor toliko sodijo skupaj.
/ Already known procedure - no new science.
But it was a great success that I still managed to find coordinating pieces of paper large enough to make it.
Po preizkušenem postopku - nobene nove znanosti.
Ampak je pa bil velik uspeh, da sem še našla dovolj velike kose papirjev, ki kolikor toliko sodijo skupaj.
/ Already known procedure - no new science.
But it was a great success that I still managed to find coordinating pieces of paper large enough to make it.
02 avgust 2012
01 avgust 2012
Po premoru.
Še malo redkobesedno.
In z nekaj stvarmi, ki že nekaj časa čakajo na objavo.
After a break.
Still not with too many words.
But with a few things waiting to be posted.
Danes ogrlica, sestavljena iz modrih in belih.
/ Today a necklace made from blue and white pieces.
Okrog vratu.
/ Around the neck.
Koščkov je bilo dovolj za dve.
/ There were enough pieces to make two of them.
Še malo redkobesedno.
In z nekaj stvarmi, ki že nekaj časa čakajo na objavo.
After a break.
Still not with too many words.
But with a few things waiting to be posted.
Danes ogrlica, sestavljena iz modrih in belih.
/ Today a necklace made from blue and white pieces.
Okrog vratu.
/ Around the neck.
Koščkov je bilo dovolj za dve.
/ There were enough pieces to make two of them.
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