Urša sometimes says to me: "Why don't you make some cards." And she's right - I don't even know when I last made one, not to mention any larger sets. But it would be good to have some of them in a stash. However, considering the length of the break, and feeling that I have completely lost my cardmaking "mojo", I started with something that I feel secure about - my inchies (I must have been a ceramic tile layer in one of my previous lives).
Tokrat sem uporabila enobarvne kvadratke v različnih odtenkih, in nastala ozadja so kar klicala po Prima rožicah. Pri nekaterih sem potem dodala še pobarvane in izrezane odtiske, ostale pa sem pustila brez drugih dodatkov.
/ This time, I used monochromatic squares in various shades, and the backgrounds were simply perfect for some Prima flowers. On some cards, I added coloured and cut out stamped images, and I left some without any additional embellishments.
Nastalo je šest voščilnic.
/ I ended up with six cards.
Dve jesenski:
/ Two for autumn:
Dve zimski:
/ Two for winter:
In dve moji:
/ And two for me: