Urša mi včasih reče: "Pa kako čestitko nared'." In ima prav - sploh ne vem, kdaj sem naredila zadnjo, da ne govorim o tem, da bi jih v eni rundi nastalo več. Pa bi bilo dobro imeti malo rezerve. No, in ker je bila pavza dolga in se mi je zdelo, da sem že čisto "padla ven" iz čestitkanja, sem začela z nečim, pri čemer se počutim sigurno - mojimi palčki-malčki (verjetno sem v kakšnem od prejšnjih življenj bila keramičar).
Urša sometimes says to me: "Why don't you make some cards." And she's right - I don't even know when I last made one, not to mention any larger sets. But it would be good to have some of them in a stash. However, considering the length of the break, and feeling that I have completely lost my cardmaking "mojo", I started with something that I feel secure about - my inchies (I must have been a ceramic tile layer in one of my previous lives).
Tokrat sem uporabila enobarvne kvadratke v različnih odtenkih, in nastala ozadja so kar klicala po Prima rožicah. Pri nekaterih sem potem dodala še pobarvane in izrezane odtiske, ostale pa sem pustila brez drugih dodatkov.
/ This time, I used monochromatic squares in various shades, and the backgrounds were simply perfect for some Prima flowers. On some cards, I added coloured and cut out stamped images, and I left some without any additional embellishments.
Nastalo je šest voščilnic.
/ I ended up with six cards.
Dve jesenski:
/ Two for autumn:
Dve zimski:
/ Two for winter:
In dve moji:
/ And two for me: