... je pisalo na tej Mobitelovi rdeče-črno-beli kovinski škatli. Pa sem "šla s tokom", poiskala rdeče, črne, bele in sive vzorce v revijah in katalogih in si pripravila palčke-malčke. Za podlago sem uporabila črn in rdeč karton, na koncu pa z belim Sakura gel pisalom dodala "šive", delno tudi zato, ker sem vedela, da se nekje v zalogah skriva z belo nitko prešit rdeč trakec...
... was written on this red, black and white metal box (some mobile phones were once sold in such boxes). So I "went with the flow", searched for red, black, white and grey patterns in magazines and catalogues and prepared my inchies. I used black and red cardboard as a background, and in the end, I made some "stitches" using my white Sakura gel pen, partly also because I knew that there was a white-stitched red ribbon hidden somewhere in my stash...
Pogled od zgoraj
/ View from above
Z zadnje strani
/ From behind
Notranja stran pokrova
/ Inside of the lid