V novem letu želim:
:: ohraniti ta moj blogec živ in aktiven
:: objavljati, kolikor pogosto se bo dalo
:: še naprej ustvarjati zase in za druge
:: osrečevati svoje bližnje z majhnimi pozornostmi
:: poskusiti še kakšno novo tehniko
:: navezati stike z drugimi ustvarjalnimi dušami
:: pa še marsikaj, ampak vsega pa tudi (še) ne povem.
Čaroben skok v novo leto vam želim!
In the new year, I wish to:
:: keep this my little blog alive and active
:: post as often as I can
:: keep creating for myself and for the others
:: make my loved ones with small tokens of apreciation
:: try out some new techniques
:: make contact with other creative souls out there
:: and much more, but I can't tell you everything (yet).
I wish you all a wonderful leap into the new year!