V tem tednu se od osnovne šole poslavljajo devetošolci, ki so do lani bili tudi moji učenci. Bili so majhni četrtošolčki, ko smo se spoznali, zdaj pa so že skoraj vsi večji od mene. Kljub temu, da smo se v njihovem zadnjem letu na šoli videvali samo tu in tam, sem veliko mislila nanje in se z veseljem udeležila njihovega zaključnega večera. Tukaj pa en majhen objemček od mene in veliko dobrih želja za prihodnost.
In this week, the nine graders who were also my pupils until last year, are saying goodbye to the primary school. They were little four graders when we first met, and now they are taller than me, almost all of them. Despite the fact that during their last year at the primary school, we only met a few times, I thought a lot about them and was glad to come and see their final evening. And here is a little hug from me and lots of good wishes for the future.