Tudi to je bila ena od omenjenih možnosti - lonček sem ovila v nežen rožast papir, po sredini nalepila en širok in en ozek trak, ožjega sem zavezala v pentljo, nato pa nanj vse naokrog nalepila kvadratke z motivčki (bolj natančno izrezki) iz istega papirja kot sem ga uporabila za ozadje.
/ This was another possibility I mentioned - I wrapped a capuccino cup in a nice floral paper, I attached one wide and one narrow ribbon along the middle line, I tied the narrower one in a bow, and on the ribbon, I glued some little squares with little motives (or, more precisely, cut-outs) from the same paper as I used for the background. /
Pa še preprosta skladna voščilnica:
/ And a simple, matching card /
In oba skupaj:
/ And both of them together /