Začela sem z gumbi - rdeč, oranžen, olivno zelen... u, saj take papirje pa tudi imam. Katera Tilda bi šla zraven? Kakšna, ki ni preveč zimska (tiste so bolj za belo-modro-vijolične tone), pa ne preveč poletna... Aha, ta bo prava - s košarico, klobučkom, šalom, pomladna ali jesenska, kakor se vzame (v bistvu je ta moja najljubša). Pa še ograjico - kako je luškana! Pobarvam, izrežem, skombiniram še trakce in rožice, narišem bele šive - pa je.
/ I started with buttons - red, orange, olive green... oh, I've got papers in exactly these colours. Which Tilda would go with them? Shouldn't be too wintery (those are more for white-blue-violet combinations) nor too summery... Yes, this one will be perfect - with a basket, a little hat and a scarf, in spring or autumn, as you like it (this one's my favourite, actually). And the little fence - how cute! I colour them, cut them out, put some ribbons and flowers to the card, draw white stitches - and here we go.
Ampak gumbi so še, in papir tudi. In kombinacija mi je všeč. No, pa dajmo malo izplavat iz sladkih voda kiča, po katerih plujem zadnje dni. Gumb pade na palčka-malčka iz ene druge zgodbe... in že režem kvadratke. Na prejšnji voščilnici so imeli gumbi na sredini rožice, dajmo tu naredit videz, kot da so prišiti. Vrvica, štirikrat skozi luknjico, nič vozlat, kar oba končka na eno prozorno lepilno blazinico pa hajdi na podlago. Vse devet je hitro narejenih. Hm, kaj pa zdaj? Ozadje bo katere barve? Katerokoli izberem, trije kvadratki se ne vidijo kot bi se mogli. Simuliram črtasto ozadje, spet ni v redu. Šment! Kaj pa diagonalno? Poskusim - in se sprijaznim z dvema kvadratkoma, ki sta enake barve kot ozadje (ok, bosta pač malo dvignjena). Ravnilo, lepilo - in so hitro 3 x 3. Hm, spodaj je še malo prazno. Oliven trakec in zlate rožice - očitno se še nisem otresla čisto vseh kiči lovk... ampak za kakšno 50+ slavljenko pa po moje bo.
/ But I've got some more buttons, and some more paper as well. And I like the combination. Well, let's come out of these sickly sweet waters of kitch that I've been sailing lately. A button falls down on an inchie from another story... and here I am, cutting squares. On the previous card, the buttons had flowers in the middle, let's make these look like they're sewn on. Some thread, four times through the holes, no knots, just put both ends on a glue dot and all together on the little square. All nine in no time. Hm, now what? What colour will the background be? Whichever I choose, three squares are not as visible as they should be. I simulate stripy background, not good. Shoot! What about diagonally? I try - and well, two squares are still the same colour as the background (OK, I'll make them float a bit). A ruler, glue - and they stand in rows on three in a jiffy. Hm, but it's still a bit empty down there. An olive ribbon and golden flowers - I obviously couldn't get away entirely from the tentacles of kitch... but I think the card will do just fine for a birthday girl of 50+.
p.s. Kiči vode ne morejo brez mene - na mizi me že čakajo pobarvane in izrezane Tilde, Sare in Krasotičke (ime Gorjuške mi ne leži - kar čakam kakšno v gozdarskih škornjih z uplenjenim jelenom na ramenu...)
/ p.s. Kitchy waters can't do without me - there are already some girlies laying on my table, coloured and cut out and waiting for me to put them in some scalloped frames or whatever... Tilda, Sarah, Gorjuss Girls