22 marec 2009

Malo drugačne rožice


Ko sem razmišljala, kaj bi še dala na tisto zeleno voščilnico z ovčkami za 17. marca, me je kar tako, iz zraka, zadela ideja za rožice iz malo širših trakov.
/ While I was thinking what else to put on that green card with little sheep for 17th March, the idea hit me, just so, from the air, to make flowers from ribbons.

Vzela sem 20 cm traku, ki ima na obeh straneh v robu napeljano tanko žico (za lepše oblikovane pentlje).
/ I took 20 cm of ribbon with thin wire on both sides (which makes bows look more beautiful).

Žičko sem na obeh koncih potegnila ven, da se je trak začel gubati. Pri modrem traku sem to naredila samo z eno žičko, pri zelenem pa z obema.
/ I pulled the wire out on both ends and the ribbon began to wrinkle. I did it with one wire on the blue ribbon and with both wires on the green one.

Po dve žički sem trdno zvezala - na sliki je viden rezultat. (Tiste senčke so mi bile tako všeč, da nisem iskala drugega položaja za slikanje.)
/ I tied two and two wires firmly together - you can see the result in the photo. (I liked those shadows so much I didn't even try to find another position for taking photos.)

Ko je trakec sklenjen v krogec, so možnosti za okraševanje in uporabo omejene samo z domišljijo. Jaz sem jim do sedaj največkrat dodala gumbe (ki sem jih "prišila" kar z žičko), na sliki je tudi primer s papirnatimi rožicami in razcepko.
/ When the ribbon has been pulled together to a circle, the possibilities of decoration and application are limited only by imagination. So far, I've decorated most of them by adding a button (which I was able to sew on by using the ends of the wire), and there is also an example of paper flowers and a brad.

Ko sem imela nekaj rožic narejenih, sem jih z žičkami privezala na zelen mrežast trakec in nastalo je tole:
/ When I had a few flowers ready, I used their wires and tied them to a piece of green netted ribbon - this is what I ended up with:

Pa še nekaj posnetkov malo bolj od blizu.
/ And a few more close-up photos.
