Logatec, sobota, 7.3.2009, od poldneva pa skoraj do polnoči. Srečanje ob tretjem rojstnem dnevu Otoka zakladov. Z velikim številom Otočank (in enim Otočanom), rojstnodnevnima tortama, neštetimi kulinarinimi presenečenji, pregledom minulih treh let v sliki, besedi in glasbi, delavnicami, klepetom, smehom...
/ Logatec, Saturday, 7th March 2009, from noon almost till midnight. A meeting in celebration of the third anniversary of the Treasure Island. With a large crowd of Islanders, two birthday cakes, countless culinary surprises, a retrospective of the past three years in photos, words and music, with workshops, chatting, laughter...
Objavo začenjam z darilci za gostiteljici. Vsaki en komplet štempiljkaste abecede, nekaj obročkov za knjigice, odtiskov, razcepk in ena mini torbica.
/ I'm beginning this post with presents for both hosts. I got each of them a set of alphabet stamps, a few book rings, stamped images, brads and one of my mini bags.
Gostiteljici sta na Otočku znani pod imenoma Snežinka in Fikus. Tudi moj podpis na darilcih je v obliki slikice :)
/ The hosts' names on the Island are Snežinka (Snowflake) and Fikus (Ficus). My signature on the presents is an image as well :)
Sledi darilce, ki sem ga že na prvi jutranji kavi na poti na srečanje dobila od Kaje75. Blazinica za bucike v mojih barvah.
/ The following is the gift I got from Kaja75 when we stopped for the first morning coffee on our way to the meeting. A pin cushion in my colours.
S Kajo75 sva na srečanju predali tudi rojstnodnevno darilo Lidočki, ki je praznovala pred nekaj dnevi.
/ Kaja75 and I also gave the present to Lidočka who celebrated her birthday a few days ago.
S predpasnikom je bila ena izmed glavnih zvezd srečanja.
/ The apron made her one of the brightest stars of the meeting.
Od Bolhine mame Joži sem dobila tole luškano otoško kokoško.
/ Bolha's mum Joži gave me this cute little island hen.
Pa še nekaj stvari, ki sem jih naredila v delavnicah.
/ Let me show you some things that I made in the workshops.
Najprej origami škatla in knjižnica, ki smo ju izdelovali v delavnici presenečenja, ki jo je vodila Lea iz Memories.
/ First of all, an origami box and a booklet we made in the surprise workshop organized by Lea from Memories.
In seveda nisem mogla mimo mamčine mize s Stekleničkami upanja. In sem naredila tri. Na vsaki je nekaj, kar sem preizkusila prvič in kar bom vsekakor še uporabila. Na prvi sem vadila izdelavo srčkov, na drugi sem prvič naredila kačje pastirje, na tretji pa mi je uspelo (na fotki se ne vidi) pokrovček prekriti s prepletenimi FIMO trakovi. Bom še naredila in pokazala.
/ And of course I couldn't ignore mamči's table with Bottles of Hope. I made three. Each of them has something I tried to do for the first time and will definitely use again. On the first one, I practised making little hearts, on the second one I made ma dear dragonflies for the first time, and on the third (it doesn't show in the photo), I managed to cover the cap with interwoven FIMO bands. I'll make some more and show them then.
Jupi, še samo štirideset dni do našega naslednjega srečanja!
/ Yippie, only forty more days until out next meeting!