V soboto, 18. aprila, je naš Otok zakladov malo priplul v Velenje, k triperesni deteljici. S Kajo in Lidočko smo pripravile za vsakogar nekaj, bili so swapi, delavnice, skrita gostja, darilca, izmenjave idej in tehnik, in druženje. Po vtisih in komentarjih sodeč, je tudi velenjsko srečanje bilo še eno v dolgi vrsti uspešnih srečanj, kar nas organizatorke zelo veseli in se zahvaljujemo vsem, ki ste k temu pripomogle.
On Saturday, 18th April, our Treasure Island sailed to Velenje, to the three-leaf clover. Kaja, Lidočka and I prepared something for everyone, there were swaps, workshops, a hidden guest, presents, exchanges of presents and techniques, and hanging out together. Judging from impressions and comments, the Velenje meeting was another one in a long line of successful meetings, which makes us - the hosts - very happy and we wish to thank all of you who made it happen.
Vseh fotk še ni, nekaj pa jih le lahko pokažem.
/ Not all photos are available yet, but I can show you at least some of them.Najprej darilca, ki smo jih organizatorke pripravile za udeleženke - blazinice za bucike.
/First of all, the presents we prepared for our guests - pin cushions.

Naša skrita gostja je bila velenjska ilustratorka
Urška Stropnik Šonc, ki jo verjetno vsi poznate; tole so njene super ilustracije:
/ Our hidden guest was our illustrator Urška Stropnik Šonc, which you all probably know; these are her great illustrations:

Urška nam je povedala nekaj o svojem delu, narisala nekaj risbic in prijazno podarila en motivček za barvanje.
Urška told us a bit about her work, she drew some pictures and kindly drew one motive especially for us to colour.
Tudi zanjo smo pripravile darilce. Moj prispevek je bila ena malo večja harmonika škatla (za A5 format), ostale stvari pa pokažem v drugem delu poročila.
We prepared a little present for her as well. My contribution was a little bigger accordion box (for A5 format). I'll show you the other things in the second part of the report.
Tole sem pripravila za swap lončkov/stojal za pisala: lonček s štirimi sedečimi Tildkami za štiri letne čase. Letnim časom sem prilagodila sličice deklic, ozadja, srebrne nalepkice za zgornjem in gumbke na spodnjem robu. Ker ob vseh pripravah za srečanje preprosto nisem imela časa še za embalažo v istem stilu, sem priložila eno majhno vijolično škatlico.
Več o swapih naslednjič.
This is what I made for the pencil holder swap: a holder with four sitting Tildas for four seasons of the year. For each season, I chose one Tilda motive and combined woth the backgrounds, silver stickers on the top border and buttons on the bottom borders. Since I was quite busy with all the preparations for the meeting, I simply didn't have enough time to make a matching box, so I added a small purple box.
More on swaps in the next post.

Še delavnice naj omenim. Srečanje sta začeli dve nakitkarsko-kvačkarski. Pri Nanci so se punce učile kvačkati verižice z žico in perlicami, pri Atenki pa smo se trudile, da bi majhne perlice prepričale, da bi se postavile v vrste.
And there were workshops too. The two at the beginning of the meeting were a combination of beading and crocheting. Nanca taught the girls to make necklaces by crocheting the wire and using various beads, and Atenka showed us how to persuade seed beads to stand in lines.

Zadnja na urniku pa je bila še moja delavnica. Je bila bolj "gledalnica" - po petih in več urah intenzivnega vsega so se punce nekako odločile, da si bodo postopek ogledale, "navodila boš pa tako dala gor, a ne?" Seveda bom.
The last thing on the schedule was my workshop. It was more a "watchshop" - after five hours or so of intensive everything, the girls somehow decided to watch the whole procedure "and you'll post the instructions, right?" Of course I will.

Toliko za danes. Moram povedati še o swapih, pa mačku v žaklju, pa čudovitih darilih, ki smo jih organizatorke prejele, pa še in še. Samo še eno sliko pokažem - z eno pomanjkljivostjo: na njej bi se moralo videti skoraj petdeset "kokošk v fensi majcah za ustvarjanje", pa se nam je zgodilo, da je srečanje minilo brez skupinske fotke. Nič hudega, to samo pomeni, da je bilo vsega drugega toliko, kar pa je tudi nekaj, kajne?
That would be all for today. I'm going to have to tell you more about swaps, about "cat in the sack", about all the wonderful presents we got, and more and more. There's only one more photo for today - but it's not perfect - there should be almost fifty "little hens in fancy crafting T-shirts" in it, but somehow it happened that the entire meeting went by and we didn't take any group photos. Well, no problem, this only means we had plenty to do, which is also good, right?
Še kdaj nasvidenje v Velenju...
See you again in Velenje some day...mravljica