No, naše so šle sem:
Po dimenzijah zobozdravniških kartončkov, ki so malo večji od klasičnih plastičnih kartic, sem naredila majhno harmonika škatlo, ki se zapira z ježkom. Enobarvne vijolične ploskve sem malo popestrila z rožicami iz trakcev.
WHERE HAVE ALL THE... gone - you probably heard the tune. But it's not the flowers I'm talking about, it's the cards. Those plastic ones, ranging from health insurance cards, membership cards and club cards, mostly those we don't need everyday and we usually search for in drawers, bags, pockets.
Well, ours have gone in here:
Taking the size of the dentist's cards, which are slightly larger than classical plastic cards, I made a small accordion box that is closed with a small piece of velcro. I tried to make the monochromatic violet surface a bit more lively with my flowers made of ribbons.