13 april 2009

Dve velikonočni

Za dva pereščka naše triperesne deteljice.

Po zelo zelo dolgem času sem stopila iz svojega zacementiranega 11,5 x 17,5 formata in naredila dve harmonika voščilnici - vsak motivček se ponovi trikrat, ker smo tudi me ravno tri.

Ovčke so odpotovale h Kaji75, zajčki pa k Lidočki.

Upam, da ste se vsi imeli lepo!


For two leaves of our three-leaf clover.

After a long long time, I stepped out of my 11.5 x 17.5 cm format and made two accordion cards - every motive is repeated three times, for the three of us.

The sheep took best wishes to Kaja75, and the bunnies went to greet Lidočka.

I hope you all had a great time!
