/ A few weeks ago, Urša showed me this cutest set of small stamps suitable for millions of combinations. Of course I looked for it, set the number of ordered items to 2 and I was about to press "Order" when I stopped for a second and - one last consultation: listen, these are rubber stamps, they'll have to be mounted / yeah, ok, take a sheet of EZMount then / yes, no problem, but such miniatures are much easier to position if they are transparent / well, they'll have to be cut out precisely / yes, well… (that was me - and I already knew what the next sentence will be) / you'll cut that, right? it's such a hair-splitting job, just right for you…
No, potem so po dveh tednih štampiljke prispele:
/ And after two weeks, the stamps arrived:
Na ovitku piše, da so motivi v resnici nekoliko večji kot na sliki - JA, ŠE DOBRO, NO! Ker...
/ It says on the package that the stamps are larger than shown in the picture - WELL HURRAY! Because...
Seveda sem si za prvo bližnje srečanje s trdo in neubogljivo gumo ter lepljivim in zmuzljivim EZMountom izbrala najmanjše možne motive za izrezat! Moje škarje so me kar gledale. Težko za rezat, pazit na vse sosednje ciniminije, pa čisto ob robu, pa to lepilo (še dobro, da sem se spomnila na razmaščevalec - po vsakem četrtem ali petem izrezovanju sem škarje obrisala in potem je nekaj rezov spet šlo krasno).
/ Of course I chose the smallest possible motives to cut out for my first close encounter with hard rubber with a mind of its own and sticky and wriggly EZMount! My scissors thought, "Is she serious?" Hard to cut, watch out for all tiny neighbours, close to the shape, and this glue (luckily, I thought of a degreaser - after every fourth or fifth stamp I wiped the scissors and then it was OK for a few cuts).
Takole izgleda opravljeno naročilo - z dodano vrednostjo :)
/ This is how the order looks now - together with added value :)
Moje so še zapakirane. Še razmišljam, če bom postopek ponovila ali jih bom poskusila ukrotit/udomačit kako drugače...
/ Mine are still unopened. I'm still thinking whether I'm going to repeat the procedure or I'll try to tame/domesticate them in some other way...