Učiteljicam in učiteljem kot majhno pozornost ob koncu leta namreč.
No, pa dajmo.
Osnova - karton iz zadnje platnice bloka barvnih kartonov.
Ozadje - papirji iz zalog, že sami znani.
Robovi - zaokroženi na vogalih in malo posenčeni.
Luknjica - narejena z navadnim luknjačem, čez pa odtisnjen krogec v ustrezni barvi.
Vzorčki - štempiljkaste igrarije.
Vmesni monolog:
A bi še kaj nalepila? - Bi, ampak ne bom.
Kak odtisek, tak lepo pobarvan in izrezan, pa z okvirčkom? - Bi, pa tudi ne bom.
Ali pa samo še kak drug papir, pa kak gumb ali kovinski okrasek? - Ne ne ne.
OK, potem pa ne. Em, zakaj pa ne? - Ker če že delam kazala, je fajn, če se bodo za ta namen tudi uporabljala. Za to pa morajo biti tanka.
Zadnji dodatek - pisani repki, trakci iz zalog.
Nekaj prototipov je šlo na kupček "vidiš, tako se to ne dela", teh nekaj bo pa v tem tednu odšlo k novim lastnikom in lastnicam. Pa čisto možno je, da jih bo še kaj nastalo, ker jih je zelo lušno delat :)
For the teachers, namely, as a little token of appreciation at the year's end.
Well, here goes.
The base - cardboard from the back sheet of the colour paper or card pad.
The background - papers from the storage, nothing new actually.
Borders - rounded at edges, just a bit distressed.
The hole - made with an ordinary office punch, and a stamped circle in a matching colour across it.
Patterns - playing with stamps.
A monologue in between:
Would I add anything else? - I would but I won't.
A stamped image, coloured and neatly cut out, with a cute frame? - I would but I won't either.
Or maybe just another piece of paper, or a button or a metal embellishment? - No no no.
OK, then not. Ehm, and why not? - Because if I'm making bookmarks, I'd like them to be used for the purpose. Any this is why they should be thin.
The final touch - colourful tails, ribbons from the storage.
Some prototypes went directly to the "this should not be done like this" pile, and these will get their new owners over this week. And it's quite possible that I will make some more because they are so much fun to make :)
