Malo sem prelistavala TV spored za naslednji teden, pa sem naletela na dva filma, ki ju gledam vedno, ko sta na sporedu - na kateremkoli programu. Saj ne, da bi se pet minut pred filmom s skledo kokic spravila pred TV, ampak če je TV prižgan in med preklapljanjem programov naletim, potem tam ostanem do konca. Zveni znano?
No, in potem sem malo razmišljala, in prišla do zaključka, da imam v bistvu deset takih a-spet-to-gledaš filmov.
I was reading through the TV guide for the next week and I found two movies that I watch always when they are on - no matter which programme. Not that I sit down in front of the TV with a bowl of popcorn five minutes before they start, but if the TV is on and I flip through the programmes and stumble upon them, I will watch them till the end. Sounds familiar?
So I did a little thinking and came up with the conclusion that I have ten such are-you-watching-this-again movies.
Smrtonosno orožje 1-4. Saj ne, da štejem, ampak tretji del največkrat. V drugem pa mi je Mel najbolj všeč. Ampak samo čisto mičkeno bolj kot v tretjem.
/ Lethal Weapon 1-4. Not that I count, but I've seen part 3 the most times. And in part 2, I like Mel the best. But only slightly better than in part 3.
Hudson Hawk. Pojava, obešenjaški humor, merjenje časa s trajanjem pesmi. Prav fajn.
/ Hudson Hawk. The image, the humour, measuring time with songs. Sweet.
Forrest Gump. Vedno me zadene kaj novega. Stvari, ki jih pove, kot jih vidi on, so na prvi pogled smešne, dokler te ne udari, kako zelo resnične in kako zelo boleče so v resnici.
/ Forrest Gump. There is always something new that strikes me. The things he says the way he sees them, are funny at first, until it hits you how very real and how very sad they actually are.
Moje pesmi, moje sanje. Na veliko grozo in zgražanje vseh bližnjih.
/ The sound of Music. To a great horror of my loved ones.
Društvo mrtvih pesnikov. Angleška poezija, drugačen učitelj. In srh po hrbtu v zadnjem prizoru.
/ Dead Poets' Society. English Poetry, a different teacher. And shivers down the spine during the final scene.
Najini mostovi. Krasna pokrajina, krasna glasba, fantastična igralca.
/ The Bridges of Madison County. Beautiful scenery, beautiful music, fabulous actors.
Avatar. Najmlajši na tem seznamu in obenem največji. Videla sem ga dvakrat, gledala bi lahko ga kadarkoli. Če še niste, ga pojdite gledat.
/ Avatar. The latest on the list, and the largest at the same time. I've seen it twice, I could go watch it anytime. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it.
Sem rekla deset? No, šestnajst.
/ Did I say ten? Well, sixteen.
Kateri pa so vaši a-spet-to-gledaš?
/ Which are yours are-you-watching-this-again?