"Želim ti veliko dokončanih projektov!" bi lahko bilo besedilo za tole voščilnico. In lahko bi bila namenjena kar meni. Ker jih imam kar nekaj, nedokončanih projektov namreč. Ustvarjalnih in drugih. Če pa se nove ideje in želje porajajo hitreje, kot roke uspejo vse realizirati...
Potem pa si včasih vzamem par minut in grem malo po svojih objavah nazaj v preteklost. In sem kar pomirjena, ker sem jih pa nekaj le dokončala. Pa naj bo to ena voščilnica, serija novoletnih, čreda pujskov, kupček obeskov za telefone, karkoli. Pobrskajte kdaj nazaj po svojih blogih, albumih, spominih, in veselite se svojih uspehov!
"I wish you many finished projects!" could be the text in this card. And it could be intended for me. Because I have quite a few of them, unfinished projects namely. Crafting ones and of other kinds. I just can't help it if the ideas and wishes keep popping up before my hands manage everything...
And then sometimes I take a few minutes and go browsing through my past posts. And it's quite a consolation to see that I have actually finished many of them. May it be a card, a series of New Year's cards, a heard of Fimo piglets, a set of mobile phone danglers, anything. Have a go at browsing through your blogs, albums, memories, and be happy about your achievements!
Le še najtoplejše želje vam pošljem.
/ Sending you my warmest wishes,
p.s. Če morda koga zanima: vzorčki so narejeni v Wordu in natisnjeni (in na drugi voščilnici pobarvani z barvicami). A koliko so veliki kvadratki? A res moram odgovorit? :)
/ p.s. In case anyone should wonder: the patterns were made in the Word text editor and printed (and coloured in colour pencils in the second card). The size if the squares? Do I really have to answer that? :)