Jaz pa sem zadnja dva tedna iz dneva v dan ugotavljala, da vse okoli mene pridno ustvarjate in objavljate, jaz pa nič.
/ And for the last two weeks, I've been realising that all of you around me are busy creating and posting, and I'm not.
Razlog št. 1: delo, ki ne sodi v okvir tega kotička.
/ Reason No. 1: the work that does not fall under the scope of this creative corner.
Razlog št. 2: v delu imam nekaj stvari, ki zahtevajo malo daljši čas ali pa jih še ne smem pokazati.
/ Reason No. 2: I've been working on some things that take a bit longer to make or I'm not allowed to show them yet.
Razlog št. 3: nekaj januarskih dni sem namenila tudi malo bolj temeljitemu pregledovanju, urejanju in zlaganju mojih ustvarjalnih materialov.
/ I spent some January days reviewing, tidying and arranging my crafting materials.
Pozitivno pri tem je, da so stvari po dolgem času zdaj iz vseh različnih kotičkov po stanovanju spravljene pregledno in da vem, kaj vse dejansko imam. Kar bo znatno zmanjšalo obseg stvari, ki jih "nujno rabim" - vsaj za nekaj časa.
/ A positive thing about it is that after a long time, I have collected things from different corners of the apartment and put them all in one place, and that now I know what I actually have. Which will significantly reduce the number of things that I "urgenly need" - at least for some time.
Problem pri tem pa je, da se je ob tem drastično podaljšal seznam stvari, ki bi jih še želela narediti, izdelati, preizkusiti.
/ But the problem it that the list of things I would like to do, make, try out, has grown drastically.
Dokler so stvari še na svojem mestu, nekaj koščkov mojega kotička pokažem tudi vam. Sicer je vse skupaj nekaj svetlobnih let za tistimi ateljeji, s katerimi nam skomine vzbujajo srečnice, ki imajo razkošje dvajset in več kvadratnih metrov velikih sob in ki zgledajo, kot da so jih opremili in napolnili samo zato, da bi jih pokazali na spletu. Se pa vsekakor tudi na mini prostoru zložiti kar nekaj stvari.
/ While the things are still in their place, I'll show you some pieces of my corner. I know that it is still quite some light years behind those atteliers that are shown to us by those lucky ones who have the luxury of rooms measuring twenty and more square meters, and which look as if they were equipped and filled just for the purpose of showing them on the net. Well, quite some things can be arranged in a tiny place as well.
Najprej kristalčki, steklene perle, palčke in drugi delčki za nakit. Nizke lesene škatle sem nekoč našla v Ikei, vanje sem naložila stekleničke od zdravil in na pokrovčkih označila, kaj je v njih. Niso vse polne, so pa vse naseljene.
/ First of all, crystals, glass beads, tubes and other beading pieces. I once found these low wooden boxes in Ikea, I filled them with small pill bottles and labelled the caps. Not all of them are full, but all of them are inhabited.

Mami je med njeno čistilno akcijo našla odsluženo poličko za avdio kasete. In me je vprašala, če rabim. Še preden je vprašala do konca, sem vedela, za kaj jo bom porabila. Z vseh koncev sem nanosila prazne škatlice od perlic in vanje presula perlice, ki sem jih prej kar nekaj časa imela v prozornih vrečkah. Še malo sortiranja sicer rabijo, ampak že kar fajn izgleda.
/ In one of her cleaning sessions, my Mum found this old wooden audio tape rack. And she asked me if I needed it. Even before she finished the question, I knew what I'll use it for. I collected empty seed bead boxes and filled them with seed beads that I used to keep them in clear plastic bags. Some more sorting will be required, but they look quite nice.
Malo večje stekleničke sem porabila za perlice, ki jih je bilo več kot za eno škatlico (ker so stekleničke rjave, sem vsebino označila tako, da sem v pokrovček naredila luknjico, skozi njo napeljala nitko in nanizala nekaj perlic), in za poldrage kamenčke (pri njih sem se potrudila celo z napisi).
/ If there was more that one box of seed beads, I filled them in larger pill bottles, The bottles are brown, so I labelled the contents by drilling a hole in the cap, pulled a thread through it and put some beads on it. I also used these bottles for gemstone chips - I even took time and made labels.

V drugi nizki škatli sem uredila vse potrebno za kvačkanje perlic - nekaj nanizanih, ki čakajo na kvačkanje, nekaj gotovih, ki čakajo na zapirala, nekaj na pol nanizanih, ki še tudi pridejo na vrsto. Mogoče spet poleti ali pa če bo kakšno naročilo...
/ In another low wooden box, I arranged all the things I use for bead crocheting - some strings waiting for crocheting, some finished necklaces waiting for the clasps, some unfinished ones waiting for their turn. Maybe in the summer or if I get any orders...
Levo od pisalne mize - poličke z vsem mogočim in pet morskih sličic (razglednice in okvirčki - Ikea).
/ At the left side by the writing desk - litlle shelves with all kinds of things and five marine images (postcard and frames by Ikea).
Na poličkah, ki sta najlaže dosegljivi, beli keramični lončki (Ikea) s potrebščinami - vsebino sem označila tako, da sem iz vsakega lončka vzela eno stvar in jih z lepilnimi pikami prilepila na lončke. Razcepke so v manjši, prozorni steklenički, plastična posoda od neke hitre solate pa služi temu, da lahko vsebino belih lončkov vsujem vanjo, izberem potrebno in hitro pospravim nazaj v lonček.
/ On the two shelves that can be reached most easily, I keep six white ceramic pots (Ikea) with materials - I labelled their contents by taking one item from each pot and adhered them to the pots using glue dots. I keep brads in a smaller, clear bottle, and have the plastic fast-food-salad-container so that I can empty the contents of a pot into it, choose what I need and put the rest back into the pot in no time.
Trakovi, trakci, vrvice - za ne vem kakšne izložbe trakov nimam prostora, pa tudi potrebno se mi ne zdi. Tanjši trakci so v posodah od kapučina, bolj ali manj po barvah. Ker sem na začetku nekajkrat stala pri omari in s trakcem v roki gledala, kje so kakšne škarje, sem si v mravljinčkovem kovčku z orodjem našla še en čepek za police, ga vtaknila v eno od luknjic in nanje obesila škarje. Problem rešen.
/ Ribbons, pieces of ribbons, cords - I don't have enough space for some huge ribbon displays, and honestly I don't need them. I keep thinner ribbons in cappucino containers, sorted by colours more or less. In the beginning, I was standing there by the shelf, holding a ribbon in my hand and watching if there were any scissors around there, so I took another shelf pin from my hubby's tool box, I put it in one of the holes and hung a pair of scissors on it. Problem solved.
Trakce, ki so bili predolgi za v škatlice, a prekratki za zvijanje na kolute, sem obesila na star odslužen obešalnik za kravate. Nekaj časa so padali na tla vsakič, ko sem šla mimo in se jih dotaknila, zato sem jih spela z navadnimi papirnimi sponkami. Problem rešen.
/ I took the ribbons that were too long to put in the cappucino containers, yet too short to wind on separate spools, and hung them on an old tie hanger. For some time, they kept falling down everytime I went by and touched them, so I fastened them with ordinary paper clips. Problem solved.
Nekaj stvari za čestitkanje (odtiski, palčki-malčki, rezila, lepila, osnove za voščilnice, papirji in kartoni)
/ Some cardmaking things (stamped images, inchies, cutting tools, adhesives, card bases, paper and cardstock)
Štempiljke - že prej sem jih imela v škatlicah od CD-jev, zdaj pa sem si vzela čas, si natipkala in naprintala napise, razrezala in nalepila na hrbte. Da ne bo treba vedno celega kupa jemati s police.
/ Stamps - I already had them in CD boxes before, but now I took some time, typed and printed the labels, cut them and glued them on the boxes. This way I won't have to take the entire pile from the shelf every time.
/ Inkpads
Lončki z barvicami in flomastri, oblečeni v roza srčkasto tapeto, ki sem jo malo prestrašila z vijoličasto tempero :)
/ Colour pencils and markers in holders wrapped in the pink hearted wallpaper that I smeared with a bit of violet paint.
Srednje in male štance
/ Medium and small punches
Toliko zaenkrat. Nisem si mislila, da bom JAZ kdaj objavljala slike svojih polic in predalov...
/ So much for now. I never thought I would be posting photos of my shelves and drawers...