Toliko hvale in navdušenja je bilo zadnje čase zaslediti na blogih v zvezi z grelčki, da sem morala zadevo preizkusiti tudi sama. Ampak s pletilkami namesto s kvačko. Sem bila vedno bolj štrikarca kot kvačkarca. In je šlo čisto fajn. Na pet pletilk, pa z volno čisto ta prave barve.
There has been so much enthusiasm over wrist-warmers on the blogs lately, so I had to try and make a pair myself. But knitting, not crocheting. I've always been more into knitting. And it went pretty fine. With five needles and with the yarn of just the right colour.
In že prvi par je šel za darilo. Pa še barvno so se skladali z drugim delom darila...
/ And the first pair already went as a present. In matching colours with the other part of the present...
Sigurno jih bo še. / There will be more of them.