Zadnje čase je eden najpogostejših stavkov na naših blogih: "Že dolgo nisem nič objavila, ampak to še ne pomeni, da nisem nič ustvarjala." Velja tudi zame. Če pogledam, da mi je v aprilu uspelo čisto vsak dan narediti objavo... Ampak to še ne pomeni, da nisem nič ustvarjala :)
/ Lately, one of the most often used sentences on our blogs has been 'I haven't posted anything for a long time, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been crafting.' This goes for me as well. If I look back and see that in April I managed to make a new post for every single day... But that doesn't mean that I haven't been crafting :)
Dve ali tri fimo peke so bile, nekaj "piškotov" sem že pokazala na srečanju in kofetkanju, zdaj pa jih postopoma spravljam na vrvice in verižice, da jih bom lahko pokazala še tukaj.
/I had two or three trays of fimo to bake, I've already shown some "cookies" at the meeting and coffee session, and now I'm putting them on cords and chains to show them here as well.
In prvo v vrsti objavljam danes. Sfrtajčkano. Kot jagodni frape.
/ And I'm posting the first one today. A swirly one. As a strawberry frappe.
Prijetno nedeljo vam želim.
/ Have a nice Sunday.