04 maj 2010



Lani je bila ovčka - za Irsko. / Last year, it was a little sheep - for Ireland.
Letos je petelinček - za Portugalsko. / This year, it is a little rooster - for Portugal.

Za Urško, za Evropsko vas, po zgledu petelinčkov iz Barcelosa. - For Urška, for the European village, according to the legend of roosters of Barcelos.

(Vir/Source: www.djibnet.com)

No, moj je malo manjši. / Well, mine is a bit smaller.

Če ga boste dolgo in od blizu gledali, boste našli kakšno pomanjkljivost, ampak je šel od mene preden sem uspela pasti na glavo, da bi ga šla brusit :)
/ If you keep looking at it long and close enough, you will find some faults, but it went away before I managed to fall on the head and go look for sanding paper :)
