Že cel teden je minil od srečanja Otoka zakladov, ki smo ga tokrat imeli pri nas, v Velenju, jaz pa še nisem utegnila ničesar napisati.
/ It's been a week since our Treasure Island meeting which took place in Velenje last Saturday, and I haven't managed to write anything about it yet.
Tokratno srečanje je minilo v nekoliko manj številčni udeležbi kot vsa dosedanja, na katerih sem bila, a je bilo zelo prijetno in zabavno - kot vsa ostala.
/ This time, the group of crafters was smaller than in any other meeting that I have attended so far, but it was pleasant and fun - just like any other meeting.
Urška je za nas pripravila delavnico kaligrafije. Pridno smo sledili navodilom in se trudili s 45-stopinjskim kotom in vzporednicami.
/ Urška prepared a calligraphy workshop for us. We followed her instructions like good pupils and struggled with the 45-degree angle and parallel lines.
Imeli smo tudi izmenjavo razpisanih fimo palčkov-malčkov. Moj prispevek:
/ We also exchanged our fimo inchies. My contribution:
Vsaka udeleženka jih je naredila toliko, kolikor je bilo prijavljenih, nato pa smo jih razdelile tako, da je vsaka dobila po en kvadratek od vsake.
/ Each participant made as many inchies as there were other participants, and at the meeting, we made little piles of different inchies for each of us to take home.
En kompletek sem spremenila v magnetke in jih položila na dno škatlice, v kateri sem našemu gostitelju v zahvalo predala eno Urškino sovico.
/ I turned on set into little magnets and put them on the bottom of the box together with an owl made by Urška, which I gave as a thank you present to our host.
Z mojima soorganizatorkama, Urško in Lidijo, smo se dogovorile, da vsaka prispeva dve darili za žreb za udeležence. Moj prispevek sta bili dve verižici.
/ Urška and Lidija and I agreed to prepare two presents each for the raffle organised for our guests. I chose two necklaces.
Darilca, ki smo jih prejele, smo si lahko spravile v škatle, ki nam jih je pripravila Andreja. Na prejšnjem srečanju nam je pokazala, kako naslika španski bezeg, pa sem ji namignila, da spada med moje tri najljubše. In sem ga dobila - na pokrovu škatle.
/ We put the presents we received into the boxes prepared for us by Andreja. In the previous meeting, she showed us how she paints lilacs, and I told her it was one of my three favourite flowers. So I got it - painted on the lid of the box.
In lepote in kupčki uporabnih stvari, ki sem jih doma zložila iz škatle (čokoladni del daril sem pospravila drugam).
/ All the pretty and useful things I took out from the box when I got home (the chocolate part of the presents was stashed somewhere else).
Pa še od blizu - vijolično darilce od Neže in bonbonček in darilce od Klavdije.
/ And a close-up of the purple present from Neža and the candy and present from Klavdija.
Še enkrat hvala vsem udeležencem za še eno prijetno ustvarjalno sobotno druženje.
/ Thank you once again for another pleasant crafty Saturday meeting.