Malo muzike za lepši dan. Me prav zanima, kateri je vaš favorit...
/ Have some music, have a great day. I would sure like to know which one's your favourite...
31 avgust 2010
30 avgust 2010
No, pa je šel
Avgust namreč. Kar lepo, z enakomernimi koraki za julijem in junijem. Da kar nisem opazila, kdaj. / August namely. Just like that, with steady steps after July and June. Without me even noticing.
Minil je v delu, izletkih z družino, pripravah na šolo, raziskovanju FB-ja, vmes sem se po nekaj tednih dobila z mojimi dragimi kofetkarcami, in pustila sem, da me "ene male" popolnoma zasvojijo. / It was full of work, little trips with my family, getting ready for school, exploring FB, in the meantime I saw my dear coffee buddies after a few weeks and I let "those tiny ones" to take full control.

Sicer mi ni uspelo narediti veliko, ampak ko pa sem si vzela tistih nekaj minut na dan, sem vedno znova ugotovila, da bi te minute prav lahko bile tudi ure... / I didn't manage to make many things though, but every time I stole a few minutes to sit down with them, I saw those minutes could easily be hours just as well...
Vzorček od Eve mi je prijazno poslala Anita - pri njej sem ga tudi prvič videla in takoj vedela, da ga hočem tudi sama poskusit naredit. / I got this pattern (by Eva) from Anita - I saw it in her treasure box for the first time and I immediately knew I wanted to try it out.
Ja, bo še. / Yes, there's more to come.
Avgust namreč. Kar lepo, z enakomernimi koraki za julijem in junijem. Da kar nisem opazila, kdaj. / August namely. Just like that, with steady steps after July and June. Without me even noticing.
Minil je v delu, izletkih z družino, pripravah na šolo, raziskovanju FB-ja, vmes sem se po nekaj tednih dobila z mojimi dragimi kofetkarcami, in pustila sem, da me "ene male" popolnoma zasvojijo. / It was full of work, little trips with my family, getting ready for school, exploring FB, in the meantime I saw my dear coffee buddies after a few weeks and I let "those tiny ones" to take full control.
Sicer mi ni uspelo narediti veliko, ampak ko pa sem si vzela tistih nekaj minut na dan, sem vedno znova ugotovila, da bi te minute prav lahko bile tudi ure... / I didn't manage to make many things though, but every time I stole a few minutes to sit down with them, I saw those minutes could easily be hours just as well...
Vzorček od Eve mi je prijazno poslala Anita - pri njej sem ga tudi prvič videla in takoj vedela, da ga hočem tudi sama poskusit naredit. / I got this pattern (by Eva) from Anita - I saw it in her treasure box for the first time and I immediately knew I wanted to try it out.
Ja, bo še. / Yes, there's more to come.
12 avgust 2010
Trikotni obesek s trikotno luknjo

Prvi iz druge runde. Seveda sem morala takoj preizkusiti še to.
The first one from the round two. Of course I had to try this right away.
Mešanica zgleda takole: / This is how the mix looks:
Vir/Source: www.redpandabeads.com
Uporabila sem temnejši del mešanice, svetlejše sem si prihranila za naslednje poskuse in za kombiniranje s črnimi, belimi in sivimi.
/ I used the darker tones and I saved the lighter ones for later - I intend to combine them with black, white and grey ones.
Pa še dilema: enojni ali dvojni? Zaenkrat je enojni, lahko pa se zgodi, da bo dvojni - zato še ni na vrvici. Nisem pa čisto prepričana, ker taki enojni vija-vaja tudi na "balkonih" kar dobro zgledajo :)
/ And now for the dilemma: single or double layer? For now it is single-layered, but I might make another one - that is why it is not on a cord yet.However, I'm not totally sure, because such wobbly single-layered ones also look quite good on a necklace.
Prvi iz druge runde. Seveda sem morala takoj preizkusiti še to.
The first one from the round two. Of course I had to try this right away.
Mešanica zgleda takole: / This is how the mix looks:

Uporabila sem temnejši del mešanice, svetlejše sem si prihranila za naslednje poskuse in za kombiniranje s črnimi, belimi in sivimi.
/ I used the darker tones and I saved the lighter ones for later - I intend to combine them with black, white and grey ones.
Pa še dilema: enojni ali dvojni? Zaenkrat je enojni, lahko pa se zgodi, da bo dvojni - zato še ni na vrvici. Nisem pa čisto prepričana, ker taki enojni vija-vaja tudi na "balkonih" kar dobro zgledajo :)
/ And now for the dilemma: single or double layer? For now it is single-layered, but I might make another one - that is why it is not on a cord yet.However, I'm not totally sure, because such wobbly single-layered ones also look quite good on a necklace.
10 avgust 2010
Ta pa ni tako zelo vija-vaja

Za zaključek prve runde delica perlic sem se po nekajkratnem preskušanju raznih variant vseeno odločila, da poskusim naredit en dvojni trikotnik.
/ To finish with the forst round of delica beads, I tried out several things, but then I decided to try and make a double triangle.
Malo manjši je od običajno videnih. Logično :)
/ It's a bit smaller than those usually shown. Well, it figures :)
Druga stran / The other side

Sicer me malo jezi, da ni čisto popoln, ampak za prvič sem kar zadovoljna.
Za kaj boljšega bom pa še morala malo mahercam pod prste pogledat...
/ I'm a bit frustrated with the fact that it's not perfect, but since it's the first, I should be satisfied, right? But for anything better I will have to peek how our pros do it...
V skrajnem primeru pa ga lahko tudi malo preoblikujem, da nepravilnosti na robovih in v kotih ne bodo tako opazne :)
/ And I can even transfigure it a little bit to conceal the imperfections on the edges and in the corners :)

Za zaključek prve runde delica perlic sem se po nekajkratnem preskušanju raznih variant vseeno odločila, da poskusim naredit en dvojni trikotnik.
/ To finish with the forst round of delica beads, I tried out several things, but then I decided to try and make a double triangle.
Malo manjši je od običajno videnih. Logično :)
/ It's a bit smaller than those usually shown. Well, it figures :)
Druga stran / The other side
Sicer me malo jezi, da ni čisto popoln, ampak za prvič sem kar zadovoljna.
Za kaj boljšega bom pa še morala malo mahercam pod prste pogledat...
/ I'm a bit frustrated with the fact that it's not perfect, but since it's the first, I should be satisfied, right? But for anything better I will have to peek how our pros do it...
V skrajnem primeru pa ga lahko tudi malo preoblikujem, da nepravilnosti na robovih in v kotih ne bodo tako opazne :)
/ And I can even transfigure it a little bit to conceal the imperfections on the edges and in the corners :)
06 avgust 2010
Vija-vaja šprudl

Ker sem s prvo poskusno mešanico moje nove "droge" malo količinsko omejena, dlje kot do preizkušanja konceptov in vzorčkov še nisem prišla - nekaj miniaturic je sicer nastalo, pa sem jih večino tudi že razdrla.
/ The first test mix of my new "drug" is quite limited in quantity, so I haven't got much further than trying out concepts and patterns - I made some miniature thingies, but I also took them apart mostly.
Tale rdečko bo pa verjetno ostal - v bistvu mi je kar všeč, da ni čisto ploščat, da ima malo razgibane robove.
/ However, this reddy will probably stay - I actually quite like it for not being totally flat.

Ne vem še sicer čisto zagotovo, kako ga bom nosila - če ga bom sploh jaz (če mi ga kakšna ne spelje).
/ I don't know yet how I'm going to wear it - it it will be me at all (if doesn't get away with someone else).
Zdaj bo moja glavna naloga, da se zdaj, ko sem še na začetku, z voljo uma uprem, da me ne potegne predaleč in pregloboko.
/ Now my main preocupation will be to use the power of my mind and fight, while I'm still at the beginning, the urge to sink into the obsession.
Japajade. Um ne bo tisti. Denarnici bo pa mogoče uspelo :)
/ Yeah right. It won't be the mind. But the wallet might succeed :)
Ker sem s prvo poskusno mešanico moje nove "droge" malo količinsko omejena, dlje kot do preizkušanja konceptov in vzorčkov še nisem prišla - nekaj miniaturic je sicer nastalo, pa sem jih večino tudi že razdrla.
/ The first test mix of my new "drug" is quite limited in quantity, so I haven't got much further than trying out concepts and patterns - I made some miniature thingies, but I also took them apart mostly.
Tale rdečko bo pa verjetno ostal - v bistvu mi je kar všeč, da ni čisto ploščat, da ima malo razgibane robove.
/ However, this reddy will probably stay - I actually quite like it for not being totally flat.
Ne vem še sicer čisto zagotovo, kako ga bom nosila - če ga bom sploh jaz (če mi ga kakšna ne spelje).
/ I don't know yet how I'm going to wear it - it it will be me at all (if doesn't get away with someone else).
Zdaj bo moja glavna naloga, da se zdaj, ko sem še na začetku, z voljo uma uprem, da me ne potegne predaleč in pregloboko.
/ Now my main preocupation will be to use the power of my mind and fight, while I'm still at the beginning, the urge to sink into the obsession.
Japajade. Um ne bo tisti. Denarnici bo pa mogoče uspelo :)
/ Yeah right. It won't be the mind. But the wallet might succeed :)
04 avgust 2010
Še en ježek
Zdaj bo pa menda za nekaj časa spet premor, kar se tiče čestitk.
/ This should now be it for a while, as far as cardmaking is concerned.

Čeprav sem ravno spet dobila voljo.
/ Even though I just got a hang of it again.
Ni mi pomoči... :)
/ I'm a lost case... :)
p.s.: Vse najboljše, K.!
p.s.: Happy birthday, K.!
Zdaj bo pa menda za nekaj časa spet premor, kar se tiče čestitk.
/ This should now be it for a while, as far as cardmaking is concerned.
Čeprav sem ravno spet dobila voljo.
/ Even though I just got a hang of it again.
Ni mi pomoči... :)
/ I'm a lost case... :)
p.s.: Vse najboljše, K.!
p.s.: Happy birthday, K.!
03 avgust 2010
Spet po dolgem času Sarah

Zdaj pa že počasi izgleda, kot da ne počnem drugega razen čestitkanja. Pa sploh ni res - le rojstne dneve imamo nakopičene v teh dneh.
/ It's beginning to look like I'm not doing anything else but cardmaking lately. But I'm not - it's just that there's a bunch of birthdays in these days.

Tale mala vrtnarička je za mojo mami.
/ This little garden girl is for my Mum.

Nič revolucionarnega, nova je samo vijugasta štampljka, s katero sem povzorčkala karton.
/ Nothing spectacularly new, the only new thing is the swirly stamp I used to make my cardstock a bit more patterned.
Zdaj pa že počasi izgleda, kot da ne počnem drugega razen čestitkanja. Pa sploh ni res - le rojstne dneve imamo nakopičene v teh dneh.
/ It's beginning to look like I'm not doing anything else but cardmaking lately. But I'm not - it's just that there's a bunch of birthdays in these days.
Tale mala vrtnarička je za mojo mami.
/ This little garden girl is for my Mum.
Nič revolucionarnega, nova je samo vijugasta štampljka, s katero sem povzorčkala karton.
/ Nothing spectacularly new, the only new thing is the swirly stamp I used to make my cardstock a bit more patterned.
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