Za zaključek prve runde delica perlic sem se po nekajkratnem preskušanju raznih variant vseeno odločila, da poskusim naredit en dvojni trikotnik.
/ To finish with the forst round of delica beads, I tried out several things, but then I decided to try and make a double triangle.
Malo manjši je od običajno videnih. Logično :)
/ It's a bit smaller than those usually shown. Well, it figures :)
Druga stran / The other side
Sicer me malo jezi, da ni čisto popoln, ampak za prvič sem kar zadovoljna.
Za kaj boljšega bom pa še morala malo mahercam pod prste pogledat...
/ I'm a bit frustrated with the fact that it's not perfect, but since it's the first, I should be satisfied, right? But for anything better I will have to peek how our pros do it...
V skrajnem primeru pa ga lahko tudi malo preoblikujem, da nepravilnosti na robovih in v kotih ne bodo tako opazne :)
/ And I can even transfigure it a little bit to conceal the imperfections on the edges and in the corners :)